
Explore the world of quantum

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This year, IBM announced the world’s first integrated quantum computing system.

The IBM Q System One enables universal approximate superconducting quantum computers to operate outside the research lab for the first time. It’s a major step forward in the commercialisation of quantum computing, which could one day enable breakthroughs in such areas as materials and drug discovery, financial services, and artificial intelligence.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing has the potential to be transformative because of its ability to solve complex world problems. Business, science, education and government could change in fundamentally new ways.

Last year WIRED challenged IBM’s Dr Talia Gershon (Director, Research Strategy & Growth Initiatives) to explain quantum computing to 5 different people; a child, teen, a university student, a grad student and a professional.

“Get ready to think outside a box you didn’t know existed” – Charles Bennett

Charles Bennett is a pioneer in the field of quantum information theory at IBM Research and an IBM Fellow. He describes quantum theory as “like information in a dream.”

Quantum inner workings

Earlier this year, the Museum of Science Boston opened a temporary exhibit that allowed visitors to look inside a near life-size replica of the IBM Q System One, the world’s first integrated universal quantum computing system. “Ultimately,” explained Bob Sutor, VP of IBM Q Ecosystem Development, “I hope attendees will understand that quantum computing isn’t just another emerging technology; it’s a radically different computing paradigm that stands poised to launch a new age of human discovery.”

Quantum in the cloud

To help usher in that new age IBM is rallying a worldwide community of scientists, physicists, mathematicians, coders and tinkerers to help realise quantum computing’s potential to solve a new class of science and business problems. The backbone to this open quantum world is made possible with IBM Cloud. Millions of experiments have already been conducted on every continent, even Antartica.

Quantum at your finger tips

IBM has been working on making quantum computing easier to learn about and to use since we made the first real quantum system available to the public in 2016. This research field has undergone dramatic changes in the last few decades, but only recently have quantum scientists released easy-to-use tools to make this discipline accessible to everyone. At IBM, we offer all the quantum programming tools you need with Qiskit and make it easy to get started running quantum circuits on our systems with the IBM Q Experience quantum cloud platform – users have already run over 28 million experiments and simulations.

Intrigued about quantum? The IBM Q Experience is quantum on the cloud, which means you can run experiments on IBM Q systems and simulators available to the public and the IBM Q Network from your home, office or lab.

Or you can explore more by visiting the IBM Research blog on all things quantum here.

Curated by the Hive team.

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