
Women Leaders in AI

Woodside Energy’s Chief Digital Officer, Shelley Kalms joins our inaugural Women Leaders in AI list Author: Moragh Blyth, Head of Marketing Cloud & Cognitive, Systems and IBM Brand A/NZ As an Aussie woman working in technology in A/NZ, I can’t tell you how proud I was to learn that a fellow Australian and a Kiwi […]

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AI holds promise for glaucoma, a leading global cause of blindness

 Author: Bhavna Antony, IBM Research Scientist Australia Many eye diseases that cause irreversible blindness are ones that develop slowly, showing little to no sign of vision threat until it is too late. Diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are the leading and second leading cause of blindness worldwide, respectively. They currently affect 350 million individuals across the […]

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Tackling ocean plastic and global poverty with blockchain

Author: Moragh Blyth, Head of Marketing for IBM Brand and Global Markets, Australia & New Zealand Our planet is being choked by plastic. Consider this: • Scientists predict more plastic than fish in the ocean worldwide by 2050 • A ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch,’ a massive floating island of plastic, is now 3 times the […]

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Invention and inclusion: a two-way approach

Author: Fang (Florence) Lu – Master Inventor & Senior Solution Architect at IBM Research Patenting is my passion and inclusion is my responsibility as an inventor. We should always think about how we can include all of the population in the technology we create. Invention and inclusion work very well together, as they can work […]

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Women, Leadership, and the Priority Paradox

Author: Kylie McLean, Partner – Market Maker, Global Business Services Today, 08 March 2019, marks International Women’s Day. As we celebrate the achievements of women all over the world, it’s also a time to reflect and look towards the future. While we have made progress, there is more we can achieve together to bring about […]

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Data is the world’s new natural resource

Author: Mike Smith, Managing Director, IBM New Zealand Last  Friday I joined a BusinessNZ audience and had the privilege to introduce the Prime Minister as she made her first major speech of the year. Having attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, the challenges facing economies around the world were clearly top of mind. Many […]

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The state of the Telco Industry

The following article was first published on the Bluewolf blog, an IBM Company. There are three major network-related trends from which telcos are emerging as enterprise digital service providers: cloud-based on-demand service delivery is complementing on-premises IT systems; programmable network infrastructure for supporting specific use-case scenarios is complementing passive networks, and data-driven network systems of […]

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Cybersecurity today for the quantum era of tomorrow

Author: Chris Hockings, CTO IBM Security, Australia and New Zealand Just as quantum computing promises to deliver revolutionary growth in computing power, it also holds the potential for massive advancements in cybersecurity, helping detect and deflect attacks before they cause harm. But quantum computing may also create new vulnerabilities – for example, if malicious actors […]

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Using AI to address the cybersecurity skill shortage

Author – John Martin, IBM New Zealand security practice leader Humans are the weak link when it comes to cybersecurity – over 90% of security incidents are attributable to human error. This is when people do things like click on a bad link, open an attachment which is laden with malware or fail to change […]

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Transforming the curriculum for the technological age

Instead of focusing on the ‘piece of paper’ at the end, our education system should be geared to produce the skills needed by industry. By Meriana Johnsen. This article originally apeared in Education Central. The technology sector is New Zealand’s third biggest exporter and fastest growing industry with companies crying out for IT graduates. IBM […]

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With AI-powered translation, industries look to speak every customer’s language

Author: Jordan Teicher, Content Producer, IBM Industries and and Joseph Rakowski   When Aussie, Danny May’s passport was stolen during a business trip to China, he had to think quickly to try to recover it. So he downloaded a translation app on his phone, searched for some Chinese phrases that might help explain his situation, […]

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Guided by a sense of purpose

Author: David La Rose, General Manager, IBM Partner Ecosystem, IBM Systems I felt particularly proud to be an IBMer when I sat down to watch the ABC’s Catalyst Program talking about the advances we are making in robotics and the impact it’s having on the lives of so many Aussies. On the show, Dr Nikki […]

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