
94,000 frog calls and counting: How crowd-sourced science could help heal the planet

Author: Justine Jablonska, Content Director, IBM Industries Godzilla’s dark eyes are deeply set atop his head, giving him near 180° vision. His skin is a bright green. He loves eating insects and is a skilful climber. And like all Australian Tree Frogs, Godzilla has a distinctive croak: an earthy bark somewhere between a seal’s and […]

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Australian bushfire support

All IBMers are heartbroken to witness the devastation caused from the horrific bushfires impacting much of Australia, and we want to acknowledge and thank the heroes of the fire services across the country as well as the Australian Defence Force, who have put their lives on the line to protect people, property and wildlife. It […]

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Introducing the world’s most powerful supercomputers

Authors: Anton Blanchard, DE OpenPOWER and Linux Kernel Hacker and Michael Neuling, Linux Kernel Developer, IBM Systems Australia The world of supercomputing has never been more dynamic, exciting and innovative than now. In this ever-changing technological environment, IBM has proven itself as a leader in supercomputing, creating better results for businesses and influencing humanity profoundly […]

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Why businesses need to take inclusion more seriously

Discrimination can happen to anyone: inclusion and diversity in the workplace is about so much more than race and gender. Like heartbreak or the middle seat on a 17 hour Perth to London red-eye, there’s not much chance you’ll really understand how discrimination feels until it comes to call on you directly. However, the possibility […]

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Power outages decline with AI and high-res weather forecasting

Advances in computing power are enabling utility companies to better manage problematic vegetation and more effectively predict and respond to disruptions caused by weather. Detailed weather forecasting and artificial intelligence are being used to curtail power outages caused by severe weather amid concerns that extreme weather events are becoming more frequent due to climate change. […]

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Unlocking insights in data to fuel digital reinvention

Author: Doug Robinson, Managing Partner, Global Business Services, IBM Australia & New Zealand On 12 November, at the IBM Cloud Innovation Exchange, Shelley Kalms, Chief Digital Officer, at Australia’s Woodside Energy, joined me to explore the 20th edition of the IBM Global C-suite Study:  Build your trust advantage: Leadership in the era of data and AI […]

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Meet Ari, the Smart Bike that Helps you Catch Green Lights

Authors: Josh Andres, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, and Yuyang (Eric) Zhang As summer approaches, more people are opting to enjoy the sunshine by riding their bikes. Josh Andres, an IBM Researcher who regularly rides his bike, was inspired by the frustration experienced by bike riders when getting stuck at a red traffic light. This problem aligned well with his […]

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Cloud innovation enhances fan experience

Author: Richelle Nicols, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Nicco Hate standing in queues? Me too. In fact, I’ll avoid them even if there’s no alternative. This is how Nicco was born. I was at a sports bar, and the queue for drinks was so long that I refused to get in line. Over three […]

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Prometeo wins Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge

Prometeo, the winner of the Global 2019 Call for Code Challenge, has come up with a solution to help firefighters who risk … Author: Liz Klipp, Senior Digital Content Producer, IBM Cognitive Applications In his 33-year career as a firefighter, Joan Herrera has battled thousands of wildland fires and suffered the headaches and breathing problems […]

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Whaling: a new front in cybercrime

Author: John Martin, Senior Security Architect, IBM New Zealand Earlier this year, the head of a UK-based energy firm received a call from the CEO of his German parent company. The CEO gave him an urgent directive, instructing the UK executive to send funds to one of the company’s suppliers in Hungary within an hour. […]

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Keeping privacy front of mind

Author: John Martin, Senior Security Architect, IBM New Zealand A colleague was telling me recently that he and his wife had been idly viewing an open house on the weekend. It was a routine, everyday moment – but then something caught his attention. The estate agent was using an iPad to allow visitors to register […]

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Keeping Melbourne’s most complex rail project on time and on track

Author: Thomas Hollowell, NA Sales Leader – Watson IoT – Engineering IBM’s requirements management solutions have been used for years to help organisations build software and hardware systems. And now, an IBM software as a service (SaaS) solution helps government and engineering/constructions projects to run smoothly. One particularly high-profile application of this solution is the […]

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