By Hardy Gröger and others on März 10, 2023

Data-Driven Enterprise? What’s so difficult?

In this second part of our series, we want to review requirements and challenges of a Data-Driven Enterprise in more detail.  In Part 1 we looked at the overarching goals of a Data-Driven Enterprise. Part 3 will describe approaches and methodologies to become data-driven and adapt culture, organization, and processes accordingly.  Requirements of a Data-Driven Enterprise Considering […]


By Hardy Gröger on Februar 17, 2023

Data-Driven Enterprise? Why?

The COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine, global warming and other unparalleled events of the past years, have not only increased the need for digital transformation, but even more so for enterprises and businesses of all sizes to become, improve and protect their data-driven businesses. Data-driven enterprises thrive to leverage all available data and insights […]
