Data Fabric

By Sascha Slomka and others on Oktober 24, 2023

AI Governance

AI governance has received a lot more attention as AI regulations are being formulated and passed. But AI Governance is not only about regulation, it is the key discipline to master the complexity induced by the variety of AI frameworks, models and tools. AI Governance relies on proper Data Governance which has been discussed in […]


By Andreas Weininger and others on September 12, 2023

IBM’s Data Platform for Data-Driven Enterprises

What technology does IBM have to offer to help you become or strengthen your position as a data driven enterprise? IBM recognizes that most enterprises don’t start on a greenfield, but instead already have a landscape of data stores and analytical systems grown over many years. Therefore, IBM’s approach to a modern data platform focuses […]


By Sascha Slomka and others on Juli 18, 2023

Experiential and Incremental Implementation

Motivation We have started this blog-series with the question why it is so difficult to become data driven and explored the approaches to accomplish this in Part 3. In this article we go in more detail and focus on experiential and incremental delivery. The main goal of experiential and incremental approaches is to gain a […]


By Andreas Weininger and others on Mai 9, 2023

Technological building blocks of a Data-Driven Enterprise

The goal of this part of our series is to introduce core concepts and building blocks that are relevant in becoming data-driven. We do not want to claim to author the new Data and AI almanac however some terms we use may require introduction. The main purpose here is to give a one-stop shop for all concepts or definitions that are […]


By Hardy Gröger and others on März 31, 2023

Approaches and Considerations becoming a Data-Driven Enterprise

Working with data has a long history in IT and has seen a constant stream of innovation and changes over the past decades. In this third article of the “Data-Driven Enterprise” series, we want to look closer into organizational and methodical approaches for implementing new data architectures and capabilities and how they relate to the goals, the requirements […]


By Hardy Gröger and others on März 10, 2023

Data-Driven Enterprise? What’s so difficult?

In this second part of our series, we want to review requirements and challenges of a Data-Driven Enterprise in more detail.  In Part 1 we looked at the overarching goals of a Data-Driven Enterprise. Part 3 will describe approaches and methodologies to become data-driven and adapt culture, organization, and processes accordingly.  Requirements of a Data-Driven Enterprise Considering […]


By Hardy Gröger on Februar 17, 2023

Data-Driven Enterprise? Why?

The COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine, global warming and other unparalleled events of the past years, have not only increased the need for digital transformation, but even more so for enterprises and businesses of all sizes to become, improve and protect their data-driven businesses. Data-driven enterprises thrive to leverage all available data and insights […]


By Heiko Lenzing on März 14, 2022

Daten sind überall. Bezwingen Sie das Chaos!

Daten sind überall. Bezwingen Sie das Chaos!Unternehmensdaten mit IBM DataOps nutzbar machen. Die kostenfreie Webinar-Reihe in 6 Folgen – OnDemand für Sie! Unternehmen verfügen heute über umfassende Datenbestände, die es zu beherrschen gilt. Diese Daten sicher und verlässlich nutzbar zu machen, um damit Wertschöpfung zu erzielen, ist das Ziel. In dieser Webinar-Reihe zeigen wir, wie […]
