Cognitive Enterprise

By Andreas Weininger and others on September 12, 2023

IBM’s Data Platform for Data-Driven Enterprises

What technology does IBM have to offer to help you become or strengthen your position as a data driven enterprise? IBM recognizes that most enterprises don’t start on a greenfield, but instead already have a landscape of data stores and analytical systems grown over many years. Therefore, IBM’s approach to a modern data platform focuses […]


By Andreas Weininger and others on Mai 9, 2023

Technological building blocks of a Data-Driven Enterprise

The goal of this part of our series is to introduce core concepts and building blocks that are relevant in becoming data-driven. We do not want to claim to author the new Data and AI almanac however some terms we use may require introduction. The main purpose here is to give a one-stop shop for all concepts or definitions that are […]


By Britta Freydenfeld and Nikola Weyand on Juni 23, 2021

TEC Technology Summit 2021

Der TEC Technology Summit stellte in diesem Jahr ein IBM-Event der besonderen Klasse dar. Es wurden wieder zukunftsweisende Themen behandelt, die gerade in der heutigen Zeit besonders wichtig sind. Folgende Themen standen dieses Jahr auf der Agenda:Tag 1: Technology Matters – Technologie ist die Basis unserer Gesellschaft, in keinem Jahr haben wir das mehr gemerkt […]


By innovate-banking on August 25, 2020

Quick and Proper Global Payments: New World

Correspondent banking reinvented with Blockchain technology The advantages of blockchain technology for global payments have been discussed in the first two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) of this series. The current global payments landscape is not fit for increasing numbers of global payments and growing demand for peer-to-peer payments across the globe. Blockchain technology, […]


By innovate-banking on Juli 14, 2020

Quick and Proper Global Payments: Digital Assets

Correspondent Banking reinvented with blockchain technology The first part of this paper gave an introduction into the inefficiencies of correspondent banking in the context of global payments in contrast to the Blockchain approach. While Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the global payments landscape, certain key prerequisites need to be in place to ensure […]


By innovate-banking on Juni 30, 2020

Quick and Proper Global Payments: Blockchain

Correspondent Banking reinvented with blockchain technology It’s 2020 and when you make global payments via your bank the experience is, by and large, the same as 20 or 30 years ago: takes days, total cost is unclear but always high. The alternatives with a money transfer operator, the new or not-so-new players, come with speed, […]


By Nadine Lenarz on Juni 10, 2020

5 Tipps für den Erfolg virtueller Assistenten oder Chatbots

Virtuelle Assistenten, auch Chatbots oder einfach nur Bots genannt, werden immer beliebter und finden folglich immer häufiger Einsatz in der Unternehmenskommunikation – zum Kunden aber auch zum Mitarbeiter hin. Natürlich sind Technologie und Architektur des Bots zentrale Komponenten, denn ohne diese beiden Faktoren, gäbe es den Assistenten gar nicht. Für den eigentlichen Erfolg des digitalen […]
