
By innovate-banking on Februar 3, 2021

Regulatory developments in the Crypto-Asset space – implications for Crypto-Custody at German Banks

Recent legal developments in Germany and internationally point to a step-change in the acceptance of Crypto-Currencies and other Crypto-Assets as being legitimate parts of private and institutional investment portfolios. The new German law allowing all electronic securities to be recorded using blockchain technology aligns with the 2019 strategy paper on blockchain by the Federal Government, […]


By innovate-banking on Februar 3, 2021

Regulatorische Entwicklungen im Crypto-Asset-Bereich – Implikationen für Crypto-Custody bei deutschen Banken

Die jüngsten rechtlichen Entwicklungen in Deutschland und auf internationaler Ebene deuten darauf hin, dass sich die Akzeptanz von Kryptowährungen und anderen Crypto-Assets als legitime Bestandteile privater und institutioneller Anlageportfolios schrittweise ändert. Das neue deutsche Gesetz, das die Erfassung aller elektronischen Wertpapiere mittels Blockchain-Technologie erlaubt, steht im Einklang mit dem Strategiepapier 2019 der Bundesregierung zum Thema […]


By innovate-banking on Januar 28, 2021

Intelligent Workflows in Banking: End-to-end digitization of credit processes creates added value for corporate customers

Financial service providers are part of their customers‘ solution The current health and economic crisis emphasizes the role of banks and savings banks in our economic system. Their role is, among other things, to remain good partners to their customers who are in a state of emergency and to provide flexible financing solutions in an […]


By innovate-banking on Dezember 3, 2020

Digital Bad Banks: Preparing for the Next NPL-Wave

Preparing for the Next Wave of Non-Performing Loans The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to accelerating the shift to a new lifestyle supported by technology. The virus-lead market disruption has pressured governments to increase their balance sheets and inject unprecedented amounts of money into the economy. Despite this support, a market disruption of such magnitude will […]


By innovate-banking on November 23, 2020

Nachhaltigkeit – Wege in die Zukunft für Banken und Aufsichtsbehörden

Die Wirkung von Nachhaltigkeit in Banken – Management und Risikoperspektive Aufgrund neuer Forschungsergebnisse, aktueller Ereignisse und einer erhöhten Aufmerksamkeit der Medien ist das Bewusstsein für verschiedene Nachhaltigkeitsthemen gestiegen. Jüngste Daten des Weltwirtschaftsforums zeigen, dass die meisten Erwachsenen in der Welt die 2015 veröffentlichten Nachhaltigkeitsentwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) kennen. Es existieren hier insgesamt 17 Ziele, […]


By innovate-banking on November 23, 2020

Sustainability – The Way Forward for Banks and Regulators

The Effect of Sustainability in Banks – Management and Risk Perspective Due to new research, recent events, and increased attention from the media, awareness of various sustainability topics has increased. Recent data from the World Economic Forum shows that most adults in the world are aware of the United Nations (UN) Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) […]


By innovate-banking on Oktober 5, 2020

Intelligent Workflows in Banking: Anti Money Laundering and Fraud Prevention

The vast potential to redesign workflows in the banking industry through innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data Analytics and Robotics Process Automation is well known. The critical question is, how this potential can be realized within the own organization. Here, we see two decisive approaches: The use of innovative technologies should always […]


By innovate-banking on Oktober 5, 2020

Intelligent Workflows in Banking: Geldwäsche und Betrugsbekämpfung

Das Potenzial, durch innovative Technologien, wie Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Big Data Analytics und Robotics Process Automation, Arbeitsabläufe im Bankenbereich verändern zu können, ist allseits bekannt. Die entscheidende Frage ist, wie dieses Potenzial innerhalb des eigenen Unternehmens umgesetzt werden kann. Hierbei sehen wir zwei entscheidende Ansätze: Der Einsatz innovativer Technologien sollte immer im engen Zusammenspiel mit ausreichend internen […]


By innovate-banking on August 25, 2020

Quick and Proper Global Payments: New World

Correspondent banking reinvented with Blockchain technology The advantages of blockchain technology for global payments have been discussed in the first two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) of this series. The current global payments landscape is not fit for increasing numbers of global payments and growing demand for peer-to-peer payments across the globe. Blockchain technology, […]
