Customer at the heart of experience

Think of the last time you had a bad experience with a service in a restaurant, even though the food was great. Or a deal that you picked online and was not delivered on time to you and the customer service person you called was unapologetic about it.  The chances are that you never went […]

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Make your store a superhero !

The era of the consumer is upon us and Indian brands are pulling all stops to tackle the challenges that come with it. With loyalties dwindling and discounts being the new cola wars, the retailers in India have to master the art of of getting the right products in the right places at the right […]

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Customers to Consumers – The Digital Way!

Digitization is rapidly changing the nature of how individuals and organizations interact: the result is an individual-centered economy. Individuals are more connected and empowered, leading to rising expectations about information access, ubiquitous connectivity and transparency. The ability to stay connected through a variety of devices has increased consumer influence over organizations and drives a consumer-centric […]

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