Becoming an AI-driven enterprise is easier than you think!

Artificial Intelligence is all too often associated only with futuristic technologies seen in movies or in the news. Yet what many people don’t realize is that technology disruptions have already been influencing our daily lives for more than a decade! As consumers and individuals, we are all too familiar with the ‘art of generating and […]

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From Explainable AI to Rational AI

A global Television company recently launched a TV set with ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ Another consumer durable major has just launched an ‘AI powered’ washer. The same company has also launched an AI powered refrigerator, and an Intelligent Air-Conditioner last month. Companies across the globe are coming out with products and services tagged with ‘AI’. AI to […]

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Kickstarting your ML projects using pre-trained models from IBM’s MAX

One of the biggest challenge when you want to use ML in your project is training models using right data. It’ not super tough if you have enough data to build a model but most of the time when I want to quickly experiment, i don’t necessarily have the data for it, forget about good […]

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GDPR – How it works and what steps to take!

Don’t panic when you hear GDPR, make sure to have your systems and processes in order. It is now become a law, although member states have a two- year period to implement into national law. This means that companies will be expected to be fully compliant from May 25th 2018. Organisations outside the EU are […]

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IBM at ET Auto Connected Vehicle Conclave 2018 – What does the future hold?

Today’s automotive consumers expect seamless, customized auto experiences. As their personal mobility expectations grow, they are turning to companies that offer mobile apps to help them with tasks such as dealing with traffic, parking or simply getting from place to place.Having direct access to customers through a digital platform with a diverse product and service […]

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Paul Allen, IBM and MS-DOS; How the alliance set the course of Personal Computing

Paul Allen is no more. Allen was more of a visionary, and less of a businessman. He could visualise the future of technology, ahead of most his peers. He could foresee that computers would change the world in the immediate future. Bill Gates remembers that as early as in Seventies Allen was able to predict […]

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Digital Destiny of Automotive Industry

I was sitting in the car on my way to office, being peak hours, the road ahead was full of vehicles. I was obviously sitting helpless. To make good use of my time, I started mentally running through my days’ task. I then remembered that I had a deadline, among many others, from my daughter, […]

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3 ways IBM Cloud Private for Data can accelerate your AI and machine learning journey

The last few months have been really exciting to be part of Big Data and Analytics at IBM. We launched IBM Cloud Private for Data, an integrated data science, data engineering and app building platform back in May 2018. Our broader offering, IBM Cloud Private is helping our clients and partners to harness everything cloud has to offer, […]

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Why data science at banks is missing the mark, and how to fix it

The business that gets there first won’t necessarily win digital and AI game. It will be the one that ingrains digital and AI in its business as much as possible. Starting from applying intelligent data science where it matters most and progressively using it in every aspect of the business. In the modern banking environment, […]

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Accelerated Loyalty Journey for making customers bond and return to your brand

From ZMOT to Accelerated Loyalty Journey After the advent of digital technologies like search engines and mobile phones etc., most people don’t go to the physical stores to purchase even a shampoo without researching about it online. This influence of digital channels such as social media and search on the customer decision journey is called […]

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