Digital Reinvention

IBM Services – Breakthrough Partnerships: Future Group optimizes energy consumption with a Watson IoT solution

Visit any mall this summer in India, and you’ll come across a very familiar sight. The place will be teeming with people trying to engage in ‘retail therapy’ while enjoying the respite from the more-often-than-not boiling temperatures outside. Not many will make their purchases right away and some may only window shop. Some others may […]

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The essentials to a competitive edge in the Industrial Age. Is your organization tuned in?

The manufacturing industry is fundamentally changing, with advanced technologies increasingly underpinning global competitiveness and economic prosperity. Industrial leaders are digitizing essential functions within their operations, as well as, with their partners along the value chain. In addition, they are enhancing their product portfolio with digital functionalities and introducing innovative, data-based services. While exponential technologies can […]

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IBM Services – Breakthrough Partnerships: Future Group optimizes energy consumption with a Watson IoT solution

Visit any mall this summer in India, and you’ll come across a very familiar sight. The place will be teeming with people trying to engage in ‘retail therapy’ while enjoying the respite from the more-often-than-not boiling temperatures outside. Not many will make their purchases right away and some may only window shop. Some others may […]

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Automation for the Digital Workplace

Scenario 1: You’ve been on a vacation, and it’s been a great time. It’s one of those holidays where you decided to leave your laptop behind and disconnect the email service from your handheld device as well. What’s that? You say it sounds utopian?!!   But let’s just hold on to the thought for a […]

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Chatbots – A new opportunity

  As each new year begins, so do a flurry of articles predicting trends and technologies for the year. I recently read articles on the state of affairs for chatbots and trends in 2018. What is really starting to excite me is what the magazines and blogs are not talking about.  Most of the discussions on […]

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Virtual solutions: Driving immersive experiences and business outcomes

1990-2000, the decade of internet evolution, 2007 onwards was the rise of cloud, mobility, cognitive & analytics, 2016 and beyond, Augmented reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) solutions are picking pace and are proving to be the next dimension in digital reinvention. The extended reality platform, which merges AR and VR technologies to drive customer […]

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Moment of Truth – SaaS is on us! but what to look for in your vendor…

What is Software as a service (SasS) – It is a cloud-based application accessed through the web or an API. It helps clients stay ahead of competition through cognitive analytics, innovative business processes, and better customer experiences. The moment of truth is most definitely, Software as a service. With organizations leveraging digital technologies to help […]

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Digital Transformation an opportunity or forced change?

We have reached a critical moment in the age of Digital Transformation: From 1960’s to 90’s we digitized the back office From the 90’s to 2010 was the internet era – we digitized commerce and communication Since 2010 we are now completing the final leg of digitization where we are digitizing everything physical. This is […]

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From Explainable AI to Rational AI

A global Television company recently launched a TV set with ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ Another consumer durable major has just launched an ‘AI powered’ washer. The same company has also launched an AI powered refrigerator, and an Intelligent Air-Conditioner last month. Companies across the globe are coming out with products and services tagged with ‘AI’. AI to […]

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IBM at ET Auto Connected Vehicle Conclave 2018 – What does the future hold?

Today’s automotive consumers expect seamless, customized auto experiences. As their personal mobility expectations grow, they are turning to companies that offer mobile apps to help them with tasks such as dealing with traffic, parking or simply getting from place to place.Having direct access to customers through a digital platform with a diverse product and service […]

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