
Are you in the market for AI.?

I started my journey in cognitive and artificial intelligence (A.I.) technologies back in 2013. As one of the first product managers for IBM Watson, I had identified customer self-service as a go-to-market opportunity and the Watson team launched one of the first A.I. self-service virtual agent technologies, Watson Engagement Advisor. Since those early days, I have […]

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Getting started with industrial AI: The IBM Watson Assistant

Humans have reached the pinnacle of traditional computing. We have built various programming constructs to solve real-world problems. Today, we are witnessing yet another challenge on the journey to make life easier. Machine learning coupled with powerful GPUs are paving the path to solving much more significant problems. Over the years, the development of the […]

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Are you in the market for AI.?

I started my journey in cognitive and artificial intelligence (A.I.) technologies back in 2013. As one of the first product managers for IBM Watson, I had identified customer self-service as a go-to-market opportunity and the Watson team launched one of the first A.I. self-service virtual agent technologies, Watson Engagement Advisor. Since those early days, I have […]

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From Explainable AI to Rational AI

A global Television company recently launched a TV set with ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ Another consumer durable major has just launched an ‘AI powered’ washer. The same company has also launched an AI powered refrigerator, and an Intelligent Air-Conditioner last month. Companies across the globe are coming out with products and services tagged with ‘AI’. AI to […]

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Kickstarting your ML projects using pre-trained models from IBM’s MAX

One of the biggest challenge when you want to use ML in your project is training models using right data. It’ not super tough if you have enough data to build a model but most of the time when I want to quickly experiment, i don’t necessarily have the data for it, forget about good […]

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Accelerated Loyalty Journey for making customers bond and return to your brand

From ZMOT to Accelerated Loyalty Journey After the advent of digital technologies like search engines and mobile phones etc., most people don’t go to the physical stores to purchase even a shampoo without researching about it online. This influence of digital channels such as social media and search on the customer decision journey is called […]

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Banking on Artificial Intelligence – Session@ Futuristic Financial Intelligence Summit 2018

About Futuristic Financial Intelligence Summit 2018 IBM is strategic partner for this year’s Futuristic Financial Intelligence Summit(FFIS) 2018, happening on 28th Sept 2018 in Mumbai. One-of-its-kind event that offers the industry of banking and financial services; an agenda that covers the latest content under the theme of Futuristic Technologies driving the Financial Services and is […]

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IBM Q: an introduction

Quantum computing is emerging as a key technology that is likely to have a significant impact in the years to come. It is fundamentally different computation model that is built on quantum physics. This field has moved from the back-water of physics, to a key area of research in physics, and now is at the […]

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Disruption is here.. and so is Think Summit, Mumbai!

disruption: noun: preventing something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected. How many of us face this in our daily lives, be it at work or back at home as well? Are we sufficiently prepared for it? Do we build in plans to ride the tide when it comes? […]

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Manufacturing in the age of Cognitive & IoT

Manufacturing boomed for the first time in what is known as the Industrial age. The advent of the steam engine, alongwith cheap access to labour, capital and natural resources in Great Britain in the 1800s fueled that era. This was the first time several manual tasks were mechanized and goods were mass produced. Mankind has […]

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