
PLATFORMification- A Business Model for Insurance Industry: Surviving & Thriving in Exponentially Changing Technology Eco-system

Current Challenges: Most of the Insurance Companies are experiencing disruption coming from startup InsurTechs who are leveraging modern digital technologies of Mobile, Cloud, AI/Cognitive, Blockchain, IOT etc., to deliver an exceptional customer experience. Whereas, insurance companies are struggling to match the customer experience being delivered by InsurTech. Why? One reason is legacy IT infrastructure. But […]

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How Banks Can Remain Innovative on Continuous Basis in the Digital / AI Era

With technological advancements in Digital and Artificial Intelligence, in coming few years, human beings will get back to their intrinsic nature- ability to apply human wisdom and creativity. Most of the tasks based on mathematics and memory will be delegated to machines. In Banks, more than 50% of the operations related to regulatory compliance, loan […]

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