Gowri Arun

Moment of Truth – SaaS is on us! but what to look for in your vendor…

What is Software as a service (SasS) – It is a cloud-based application accessed through the web or an API. It helps clients stay ahead of competition through cognitive analytics, innovative business processes, and better customer experiences. The moment of truth is most definitely, Software as a service. With organizations leveraging digital technologies to help […]

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GDPR – How it works and what steps to take!

Don’t panic when you hear GDPR, make sure to have your systems and processes in order. It is now become a law, although member states have a two- year period to implement into national law. This means that companies will be expected to be fully compliant from May 25th 2018. Organisations outside the EU are […]

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IBM at ET Auto Connected Vehicle Conclave 2018 – What does the future hold?

Today’s automotive consumers expect seamless, customized auto experiences. As their personal mobility expectations grow, they are turning to companies that offer mobile apps to help them with tasks such as dealing with traffic, parking or simply getting from place to place.Having direct access to customers through a digital platform with a diverse product and service […]

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Digital Destiny of Automotive Industry

I was sitting in the car on my way to office, being peak hours, the road ahead was full of vehicles. I was obviously sitting helpless. To make good use of my time, I started mentally running through my days’ task. I then remembered that I had a deadline, among many others, from my daughter, […]

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Uncovering customers unmet need

In todays’ age, empowered and digitally connected customers is a cliché. However, they still continue to be one of the main reasons that keep a marketer awake at night. Todays’ customers are equally forthcoming in sharing their positive as well as their negative experiences with the entire world and with just a few clicks. Customer […]

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The True Potential of IoT!

Internet of Things – Is it a buzz word? Actually No, we not only hear it every day, we are also seeing it making inroads into our homes and offices. IoT was coined way back in 1999 by an MIT researcher and P&G exec Kevin Ashton. Ever since, the technology has come a long way. […]

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Customers to Consumers – The Digital Way!

Digitization is rapidly changing the nature of how individuals and organizations interact: the result is an individual-centered economy. Individuals are more connected and empowered, leading to rising expectations about information access, ubiquitous connectivity and transparency. The ability to stay connected through a variety of devices has increased consumer influence over organizations and drives a consumer-centric […]

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