Ameer Shahul

From Explainable AI to Rational AI

A global Television company recently launched a TV set with ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ Another consumer durable major has just launched an ‘AI powered’ washer. The same company has also launched an AI powered refrigerator, and an Intelligent Air-Conditioner last month. Companies across the globe are coming out with products and services tagged with ‘AI’. AI to […]

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Paul Allen, IBM and MS-DOS; How the alliance set the course of Personal Computing

Paul Allen is no more. Allen was more of a visionary, and less of a businessman. He could visualise the future of technology, ahead of most his peers. He could foresee that computers would change the world in the immediate future. Bill Gates remembers that as early as in Seventies Allen was able to predict […]

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Less Data, More Privacy

On October 2, when the Nobel Prize for Physics was announced people around the world were scrambling for information on one of the three winners. A Canadian physicist who made a path-breaking research in laser science described by the Nobel Award Committee as “method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses.” The work she has done […]

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Data is the New Oil. Right?

These days you keep hearing a new paradigm, ‘Data is the new Oil.’ Not only that, ‘Data is the new natural resource,’ ‘Data is Wealth,’ ‘Data is Money’ and so on. Let us understand how does Data work as Oil – beyond its implied meaning that it is a source of wealth for the people who […]

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