
Accelerated Loyalty Journey for making customers bond and return to your brand

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From ZMOT to Accelerated Loyalty Journey

After the advent of digital technologies like search engines and mobile phones etc., most people don’t go to the physical stores to purchase even a shampoo without researching about it online. This influence of digital channels such as social media and search on the customer decision journey is called “Zero Moment of Truth”. ZMOT emphasizes the importance of creating and delivering content that persuades customers to take immediate action and convert.  “Accelerated loyalty journey”, the current digital marketing paradigm improves upon ZMOT and customer decision journey by emphasizing the importance of delivering  right content in the shortest amount of time to the most targeted customer segments. Cognitive technologies based Watson Marketing helps in analysing unstructured textual content and enables companies to implement accelerated loyalty journey with “hyper-speed targeting” to their audience.

Titan A Case Study: Cognitive Technologies to accelerate Customer Innovation

Titan India recently conducted a workshop to experiment on how cognitive technologies can be used to democratize tacit knowledge of experts in its organization by making it explicit.  A two day workshop was conducted initially for 80 members of their IT team. They were then asked to create about 20 proof-of-concepts within a period of 60 days expecting that at least 5 of those proof-of-concepts will have a strong business use case. After the 60 day period, an IBM Watson expert team evaluated those Proof-of-Concepts and found that all those POCs had strong business use-case. These POCs were subsequently taken into the production.  Titan India Case Study is a market validation of how Cognitive technologies like Watson are critical for innovation not only in digital marketing but across all business functions.

Kalyan Jewellery Journey with IBM for Digital Customer Engagement

Digital Customer Engagement tools are critical to build relationships that drive engagement seamlessly across all channels. Watson Marketing tools for Digital Customer Engagement can make every touch point an opportunity to engage customers as individuals and help the brands uncover actionable insights.

Digital India is estimated to increase to 730 million by 2020. As a leading Jewellery brand, Kalyan wanted to join the digital bandwagon and provide differentiated customer experience.  IBM transformed Kalyan’s 2200+ strong sales force by providing digital tools such as Digital Catalogues, Sales Route Maps, EMI calculators, Customer Dashboards etc. that delivers data intelligence, improved collaboration and advanced analytics. Leveraging this digital platform, Kalyan sales associates clocked a 100% increase in client visits. Kalyan’s conversion rates have improved dramatically resulting in better customer engagement, higher revenue per employee, and increased overall turnover.

Consumer behavior and Customer Journeys will evolve as India goes digital. Brands, both B2B and B2C will have to battle with each other for providing right information because digital consumers don’t differentiate when they consume information.

For more information on how IBM helped Kalyan embrace digital transformation,   Read Case Study

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