At IBM, we understand that clients are looking for an AI-infused modern governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) solution to confidently meet their business objectives in a dynamic world of risks and threats. In this spirit, our engineers have been hard at work updating our cloud technologies to help our clients become more agile and resilient in their approach to their data.

In November, we released IBM OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data, IBM’s container-based integrated Data, AI and Analytics platform. With this new availability, OpenPages runs anywhere: on-premises or on any private, public, hybrid or multicloud environment. It’s powered by AI and your data to transform your GRC practice.

IBM OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data enables customers to streamline, consolidate, and transform their architecture to adapt to a future of accelerating change. Now OpenPages can live in the expanded ecosystem of open-source and third-party applications enabled by the latest Cloud Pak for Data release.

A Modern GRC platform — cloud native and cost efficient

According to IDC, spending on cloud services and cloud-enabling hardware, software, and services will more than double, to over $530 billion by 2021, with over 90% on multicloud. At the same time, enterprise applications continue to shift toward hyper-agile architectures using microservices, with over 95% of new microservices deployed in containers. Today, leveraging a cloud-native architecture is a vital strategy as companies continue their digital transformation efforts.

OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data represents a modernized container architecture that sits on top of Red Hat OpenShift. Automated data discovery, classification, cataloging and preparation eliminate costly mistakes and mundane tasks. You can now provision OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data within 30 minutes. This also opens doors for rolling upgrades without downtime. Integrated metering, web-based health checking, and monitoring drive down your IT costs and maximize your investment.

A Cognitive GRC platform — infused with AI and connected with data

The nature of risk is continuously shifting at unprecedented levels, with AI and data representing two big factors redefining the GRC practice. OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data is infused with AI by seamlessly integrating a rich set of Watson capabilities that are available on the same Cloud Pak for Data platform. This helps clients accelerate their GRC journey with AI, regardless of where the underlying systems reside.

As your firm expands, your digital footprints, cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risk complexity also increase, due to the huge amount of data being produced. As such, the intelligent use of accumulated risk data is absolutely essential.

With OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data, you have access to an advanced data science toolkit to build and govern models, as well as a flexible, containerized deployment architecture. IBM Cloud Pak for Data manages the entire AI lifecycle, from preparing data for AI use to model creation, deployment and governance. A number of AI tools and solutions are also embedded with Cloud Pak for Data, including:

  • watsonx Assistant: By integrating with watsonx Assistant, OpenPages provides users with fast, consistent and accurate answers, facilitates self-service, and enhances the ability to resolve issues the first time while removing the frustration of long wait times and tedious searches.
  • Watson Language Translator: The newly introduced integration with Watson Language Translator enables you to expand your business to new markets, to empower your global diverse workforce, and to minimize the costs associated with hand-wired translation services and training.
  • Watson OpenScale: The integration of OpenPages and Watson OpenScale is a complete solution for model risk management and model validation that allows for trust in your AI models. It also brings robust governance and transparency to scale AI to its full potential.
  • Watson Natural Language Classifier: There is a dramatic increase in first-line users being involved in GRC processes that are scattered across the organization, creating a heightened demand for risk accountability. With the embedded Watson Natural Language Classifier feature, OpenPages automates risk categorization and identification, which greatly improves data quality and puts augmented AI to practice, benefiting thousands of first-line business users.

An Agile GRC platform — increases productivity and creates an unparalleled user experience

GRC program success relies on the engagement of all three lines of defense. Accordingly, the GRC solution should be intuitive, based on the user role, and able to support simplified collaboration across all three lines.

With the task-focused UI, built-in workflow, calculation engine and other breakthrough improvements to OpenPages, application owners can embrace the agile GRC practice when deploying new use cases or evolving their existing processes. An agile step-by-step process can look like this:

    • Gather initial requirements
    • Design new task-focused workflows
    • Present workflows to focused user groups
    • Understand their feedback
    • Update the view and workflow based on user reviews

What’s Next?

To learn more about IBM OpenPages for Cloud Pak for Data, please schedule a consultation with one of our experts. We’ll help you discover all the possibilities for enhancing your risk and compliance use cases with AI and advanced analytics.

For more details on the latest updates of IBM Cloud Pak for Data, watch the on demand virtual event.

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