June 5, 2019 By Douglas Paris-White 2 min read

Looking back at the highlights of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019

Representing 150 platforms and service providers who integrate Kubernetes into app deployment, scaling, and management contexts, 8,000 conferees attended KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 in Barcelona last week. Attendance marked more than 100% growth over the conference in Copenhagen in 2018.

The Kubernetes ecosystem has noticeably matured in a year. Kubernetes is now the most viable way for companies to build new or modernize existing applications in a cloud environment.

IBM Cloud public and private platforms use Kubernetes. IBM Cloud (public) offers Kubernetes as a managed service, which is becoming the preferred way to use Kubernetes at enterprise scale.

Two key takeaways related to the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service:

  1. Knative is becoming a viable platform to build, deploy, and manage serverless workloads on Kubernetes.
  2. IBM announced and donated Razee, a multi-cluster continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

KubeCon 2019 recap in five sessions

These five sessions covered key challenges for DevOps teams already doing or planning to do cloud-native development with Kubernetes.

1. Jason McGee: What I Learned Running 10K K8S Clusters

In his keynote, What I Learned Running 10K K8S Clusters, Jason McGee (IBM Fellow, VP and CTO of IBM Cloud) discussed his experience with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service in managing all the masters for thousands of Kubernetes production workloads world-wide.

2. Daniel Berg and Ram Vennam: Istio Multi-cluster Service Mesh Patterns Explained

In Istio Multi-cluster Service Mesh Patterns Explained, Daniel Berg (Director of Engineering, IBM Kuberentes Services) and Ram Vennam (STSM, IBM Cloud) presented various multi-cluster service mesh deployment patterns that are available with Istio

3. Jason McGee and Lin Sun: Ask Us Anything: Microservices and Service Mesh

Jason McGee (IBM Fellow, VP and CTO of IBM Cloud) and Lin Sun (STSM, IBM Cloud Platform) were available for Ask Us Anything: Microservices and Service Mesh.

4. Sai Vennam: Strategies to “Kubernetify” Legacy Applications

Sai Vennam (Developer Advocate, IBM Cloud) covered Strategies to “Kubernetify” Legacy Applications without transforming everything at once or sacrificing agility, quality, and high-availability.

5. Doug Davis and Scott Nichols: State of Serverless in Kubernetes

Doug Davis (STSM, IBM) and Scott Nichols (Software Engineer, Google) took the community through an update on the state of serverless in Kubernetes.

What’s new?

Stay tuned—exciting updates are coming on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service newly released features.

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