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Intesa Sanpaolo and IBM secure digital transactions with fully homomorphic encryption

6 min read - This blog was made possible thanks to contributions from Nicola Bertoli, Sandra Grazia Tedesco, Alessio Di Michelangeli, Omri Soceanu, Akram Bitar, Allon Adir, Salvatore Sollami and Liam Chambers. Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the most trusted and profitable European banks. It offers commercial banking, corporate investment banking, asset management and insurance services. It is the leading bank in Italy with approximately 12 million customers served through its digital and traditional channels. The Cybersecurity Lab of Intesa Sanpaolo (ISP) needed to…

What is AI risk management?

8 min read - AI risk management is the process of systematically identifying, mitigating and addressing the potential risks associated with AI technologies. It involves a combination of tools, practices and principles, with a particular emphasis on deploying formal AI risk management frameworks. Generally speaking, the goal of AI risk management is to minimize AI's potential negative impacts while maximizing its benefits. AI risk management and AI governance AI risk management is part of the broader field of AI governance. AI governance refers to…

Data protection strategy: Key components and best practices

8 min read - Virtually every organization recognizes the power of data to enhance customer and employee experiences and drive better business decisions. Yet, as data becomes more valuable, it's also becoming harder to protect. Companies continue to create more attack surfaces with hybrid models, scattering critical data across cloud, third-party and on-premises locations, while threat actors constantly devise new and creative ways to exploit vulnerabilities. In response, many organizations are focusing more on data protection, only to find a lack of formal guidelines and…

What you need to know about the CCPA draft rules on AI and automated decision-making technology

9 min read - In November 2023, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) released a set of draft regulations on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making technology (ADMT). The proposed rules are still in development, but organizations may want to pay close attention to their evolution. Because the state is home to many of the world's biggest technology companies, any AI regulations that California adopts could have an impact far beyond its borders.  Furthermore, a California appeals court recently ruled that…

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