July 9, 2024 By Santharam Suneel 2 min read

In the automotive industry, software development has become a critical component of innovation and competitiveness. As vehicles become more advanced and complex, the demand for sophisticated software continues to rise. To address this challenge, industry leaders IBM®, Siemens, SodiusWillert and BTC joined forces to develop a groundbreaking solution that simplifies and accelerates the automotive software development process. 

The AUTOSAR extension for IBM® Rhapsody® represents a collaborative effort to seamlessly integrate the AUTOSAR standard with the IBM Rhapsody model-driven development (MDD) tool. This collaboration enables a smooth transition from system architecture to E/E systems and software. Developers can focus on creating advanced and complex applications without compromising robustness and efficiency.  

Bridging the gap to advanced automotive solutions 

As the automotive industry evolves, the complexity of software development grows. Developers must manage intricate standards such as AUTOSAR while also managing the demands of model-driven development. The AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody addresses these challenges and provides a unified environment that bridges the gap between modeling and implementation. 

The AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody not only addresses the complexities of automotive software development but also provides several key benefits that streamline the development process and foster innovation. Here are the main advantages of this integrated solution: 

  • Simplifying complexity. Automotive software development is inherently complex, requiring adherence to industry standards such as AUTOSAR while managing the intricacies of model-driven development. By extending the capabilities of Rhapsody to support AUTOSAR, developers can streamline their workflow and reduce the complexities associated with integrating disparate tools and standards. 

The AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody provides a unified environment where developers can seamlessly shift between modeling and implementation phases. This integration eliminates the need for manual translation of models into code, reducing the risk of errors and accelerating time-to-market for new automotive solutions. 

  • Accelerating innovation. Innovation is key to staying ahead of the competition in today’s fast-paced automotive industry. By using the combined expertise of IBM, Siemens, SodiusWillert and BTC, the AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody empowers developers to unleash their creativity and develop groundbreaking ideas. 

With a simplified and accelerated development process, developers can focus their efforts on designing advanced features and functionalities that meet the demands of modern vehicles. Whether it’s autonomous driving systems, connected car technologies or advanced driver assistance systems, the AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody provides the foundation for building innovative solutions that redefine the driving experience. 

  • Enabling robustness and efficiency. With the AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody, developers can build software applications that meet the highest standards of reliability and efficiency, without sacrificing performance or scalability. 

By using the AUTOSAR standard, developers can design modular and reusable software components that promote code consistency and maintainability. Integration with the MDD capabilities of Rhapsody also enables thorough validation and verification throughout the development lifecycle, helping software meet the stringent requirements of the automotive industry. 

The joint effort between IBM, Siemens, SodiusWillert and BTC has yielded a transformative solution for automotive software development. The AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody simplifies the development process, speeds up innovation and supports the creation of reliable and efficient software applications.  

As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the need for advanced software solutions will grow. By embracing the AUTOSAR Extension for Rhapsody, developers can manage the complexities of automotive software development with confidence, unleashing their creativity and driving the future of mobility forward. 

Watch experts from IBM, Siemens, BTC and SodiusWillert demonstrate AUTOSAR workflows
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