Simpler. Faster. Collaborative. Three words I like to see when it comes to technology and how IBM serves our partners.

So I am delighted to announce that today we are introducing new, differentiating features to the  IBM Partner Portal.

This is the most significant improvement to how we work with you, our partners, in a decade. We’re making it easier for you to manage your IBM business, opportunities, incentives and deals by maximizing visibility into our relationship and enabling faster collaboration.

Simplified single deal registration

By consolidating over 45 tools into 1, we’ve introduced one deal registration process for all products worldwide with consistent rules on expiry and a common approach for cross brand deals. From the portal you can login, confirm a deal and see its status almost immediately create a quote, request a deal review, and submit the relevant documentation.

Team with the right IBMer at the right time

We need to move at your pace and work shoulder-to-shoulder for your clients. IBM Partner Portal makes it simple to find and speak to the right person, at the right time. Chatter is a support chatbot that enables you to engage IBM sellers when you have questions about specific opportunities. Complete with a Seller Search functionality, it helps you find the right seller to reach out to.

Easier and quicker opportunity passing

Time kills all deals – so we’re reducing the time and complexity of managing opportunities. The portal now lets you see, accept, and reject opportunities passed from IBM, in one place. You can immediately register a deal, and if we’re sending you opportunities that aren’t quite right, you can give us feedback.

Hypercare Support

To help you get the most out of these new features, we have dedicated support ready for deal registration and opportunity management. Connect how and when it works for you, with 24 hours a day available support during the most intensive weeks of your quarterly activity.

I encourage you to access our enablement resources to get started, including “How-to” videos from IBM Training and Support, or any of the dedicated enablement events (live or on-demand). Don’t hesitate to share these resources with your extended teams.

Most importantly, log in to the IBM Partner Portal today and register deals.

The IBM Partner Portal is just one of our initiatives aimed to deliver an improved partner experience – making it even more profitable for you, our partners, to sell, advise and deploy Hybrid Cloud and AI solutions with IBM.

Being part of a community means tackling challenges and opportunities together. There’s nothing more powerful than a community in pursuit of a common goal.

I look forward to our joint success.

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