August 25, 2021 By Morgan Timpson 2 min read

IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps with Instana.

IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps with Instana provides users with the ability to reduce the number of application alerts they experience, retire legacy software solutions, limit unplanned downtime and mitigate the effects of bugs on their application development workflows.

The pandemic has dramatically accelerated how organizations have approached DevOps, IT Operations (ITOps), customer experience and digitization. As a part of this acceleration, organizations have embraced a renewed focus on getting rich visibility into their applications, maximizing application performance, and extending the talent of their teams as much as possible; all in pursuit of providing more rich, more robust experiences and applications for consumers and employees with high expectations.

These benefits are at the core of AIOps – the application of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and automation on ITOps-adjacent use-cases to help deliver outcomes to organizations like lower customer attrition, greater yield on IT spend, and healthier growth in an increasingly digital-first world.

Good goals make for better efforts – so in striving to achieve these benefits, organizations use a variety of KPIs to guide targeted efforts. A few examples include:

  • Faster mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR)
  • Reduced downtime
  • Fewer IT incidents
  • Reduced opportunity cost impact
  • Greater application performance and efficiency

Return on Investment (ROI) can help synthesize these varied KPIs, helping disparate disciplines and leaders rally on the best path forward to meet the growing expectations of today’s users.

To help our customers take the next step, IBM has partnered with Forrester to demonstrate the potential impact and ROI of embracing AIOps. Specifically, the report shows how using IBM’s Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps with Instana can help organizations reduce incidents, reduce outages, and increase growth through greater performance.

The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps with Instana will help your team better understand the potential impact of AIOps and help illuminate the evolution from standard IT monitoring efforts to enterprise observability and predictive IT management.

Interested in going deeper? Register for our upcoming webinar to specifically hear how clients are leveraging our IBM solution to capitalize on the cost savings and business benefits enabled by IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps with Instana.

Additionally, you can learn more about Enterprise Observability and Predictive IT Operations by exploring our Instana and IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps websites and resources.

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