February 26, 2021 By Laura Noonan < 1 min read

Run applications consistently across diverse environments and use a single dashboard that centralizes observability and management.

Join industry leaders and a special guest for a distributed cloud virtual event on 9 March 2021 at 11 AM ET. Register now.

There are many reasons to use multiple public clouds. You may adopt a multicloud strategy in an attempt to take advantage of best-in-breed solutions, minimize vendor lock-in or improve cost efficiencies. In fact, 93% of enterprises now pursue multicloud strategies

Some organizations are dealing with application sprawl and siloed data across public cloud providers due to acquisitions and mergers; others find their use of multiple clouds was born out of decentralized IT practices, making it challenging for ITOps teams to untangle the complexity.

Watch “Deploy Apps and Run Anywhere” to hear Jason McGee, IBM Fellow, VP and CTO, IBM Cloud Platform, explain the value of adopting a distributed cloud model and the capabilities of IBM Cloud Satellite that give businesses the flexibility to run workloads consistently across diverse environments with flexible infrastructure choice and improved auditability and accountability across workloads and cloud environments

Learn more about IBM Cloud Satellite.

Get started: Launch a Satellite Location now. 

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