Restore trust in travel and transportation by increasing operational efficiency with cutting-edge travel technology.

Industry 4.0 and the pursuit of resiliency

5 min read - Downtime can cost a manufacturer upwards of USD 21,000 per minute. Fortunately, AI has evolved to accurately identify issues and take action. This advanced technology allows companies to easily add intelligent “eyes” to their operations with standard mobile devices — the same smartphones and tablets that you’re using right now. All to quickly identify defects in production outputs as well as remotely monitor assets for potential disruptions. I talked with IBM expert Scott Campbell about this AI evolution and his…

Ford presents its prestigious IT Innovation Award to IBM

3 min read - Over 100 years ago, Henry Ford said, “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” Ensuring quality by meticulously inspecting work and materials was less complicated when Ford produced a single vehicle model in one color — black. Flash forward to 2020: The Ford Motor Company produced 1.7 million vehicles1 across multiple models with dozens of options packages. You can imagine the challenges to “looking” at every facet of the manufacturing process. That’s one of the reasons why…

How to simplify and accelerate advanced automobile development

2 min read - The automotive open system architecture (AUTOSAR) was developed in 2003 by engineers in the automotive industry to create an open and standardized software model for electronic control units (ECUs) used in vehicles. These engineers foresaw a seismic change in automobile engineering. Sophisticated software, control units, computing power, and cloud connectivity would enable the development of increasingly complex cars that integrate driving assist, artificial intelligence, crash avoidance, and eventually full autonomous operation. As the software critical to automobile development advanced exponentially,…

Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Development For Travel Industry

2 min read - CAVs (Connected and autonomous vehicles) can change the way people work and travel in cities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in the use of personal vehicles leading to altered travel behaviour and expectations. During the pandemic everyday restrictions have increased the demand for driverless transportation, deliveries and contactless operations, driving the need for autonomous driving technologies and adoption of connected/ autonomous vehicles. And while the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the travel and…

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