IBM supply chain solutions enhance supply chains with the power of AI and the speed of automation to achieve resiliency and sustainability in your supply chain operations. Browse these curated knowledge articles on topics ranging from Supply Chain sustainability explained to governmental regulations and trends with the potential to impact your operations and strategy.

FDA FSMA: Providing value beyond compliance

5 min read - The supply chain plays a pivotal role in delivering goods and services to both businesses and consumers, serving as the connective thread between industries, nations, communities and all components of the value chain. Our dependence on supply chains is most pronounced in ensuring food supply. However, over the decades, the supply chain has grown longer and increasingly intricate, which means consumers may find themselves more distant from the origin of the products they consume. Supply chains comprise multiple tiers and…

iFoodDS and IBM forge new path to food safety with IBM Food Trust™

4 min read - Picture this: You're at your local supermarket, eagerly exploring the fresh produce section. You carefully select a carton of ripe, juicy fresh-cut strawberries, envisioning them as the star ingredient in your weekend's mouthwatering desserts. You're all set to enjoy a delightful culinary adventure. But as you savor your first bite of a luscious strawberry shortcake, you receive a notification on your smartphone. It's breaking news: a food recall alert! Panic ensues as you wonder if those very strawberries are part…

The Orion blockchain database: Empowering multi-party data governance

7 min read - Blockchain databases were designed to enhance trust in centralized ecosystems by incorporating tamper-evidence features into traditional databases. They are easier to use and can reduce operational and development costs compared to decentralized ledger technologies. However, existing blockchain databases lack efficient tools for multiple parties to control shared data on the ledger. Orion is an open source blockchain database that provides unique capabilities, such as multi-signature and proof functionalities, along with extensive key-level access control. These features empower parties to jointly…

3 ways IBM and Adobe are transforming content supply chains with generative AI

3 min read - We’re delighted about the recent expansion of IBM and Adobe’s dynamic partnership to help brands transform their content supply chains using generative AI. Our longstanding partnership with Adobe spanning both technology and consulting allows us to offer an unparalleled range of services to meet the evolving needs of the marketing and creative community.  So, what does this partnership mean in practical terms? There are 3 fundamental benefits for clients: Accelerated content production at enterprise scale: Hundreds of human hours are…

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