Data Strategy category

The blueprint for a modern data center 

3 min read - Part one of this series examined the dynamic forces behind data center retransformation. Now, we’ll look at designing the modern data center, exploring the role of advanced technologies, such as AI and containerization, in the quest for resiliency and sustainability.  Strategize and plan for differentiation  As a leader, you need to know where you want to take the business—understanding the trajectory of your organization is nonnegotiable. However, your perspective must be grounded in reality; meaning, you must understand the limitations…

Time for a data center refresh? Get ahead of the growing digital landscape with a modern data center strategy

6 min read - With the seismic shift wrought by generative AI, the pressure is on IT to modernize and optimize to meet the demand. Cloud service platforms abound promising greater elasticity and savings. There are times, though, when CIOs and data center operations prefer to keep certain applications and data in their own data center—security and compliance requirements or control of sensitive data for example. But on-premises can also mean the need for a refresh, especially as new technologies, services and processes come…

The dynamic forces behind data center re-transformation 

2 min read - Data centers are undergoing significant evolution. Initially, they were massive, centralized facilities that were complex, costly and difficult to replicate or restore. Now, advancements in hardware and software as well as increased focus on sustainability are driving rapid transformation.  Catalysts and conundrums  A dramatic shift in development and operations is making data centers more agile and cost-effective. These changes are driven by the following:  market changes and customer requirements prompting organizations to decentralize and diversify their data storage and processing…

DataOps Tools: Key Capabilities & 5 Tools You Must Know About

4 min read - What are DataOps tools? DataOps, short for data operations, is an emerging discipline that focuses on improving the collaboration, integration and automation of data processes across an organization. DataOps tools are software solutions designed to simplify and streamline the various aspects of data management and analytics, such as data ingestion, data transformation, data quality management, data cataloging and data orchestration. These tools help organizations implement DataOps practices by providing a unified platform for data teams to collaborate, share and manage…

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