July 2, 2024 By Daniel Smith 3 min read

During conversations with senior leadership who worked for global aerospace companies to Fortune 100 manufacturers, they shared firsthand how inadequate asset management and cumbersome procurement processes led to significant inefficiencies and hindered organizational performance.

One story, during peak production, involved a Computer Numerical Control machine failure, that disrupted manufacturing (not dissimilar in impact from a telecom base station or utility transformer failure). Diagnosing the problem on-site and digging through paper maintenance logs took forever. Obtaining a replacement part involved manual entries and approvals in a separate procurement system, further dragging out the process.

Recalling situations like that, they wish they had today’s modern mobile enterprise asset management (EAM) solutions and best practices for procurement integration.

Here’s the blueprint that smart manufacturing, telecom, utility, and government contracting leaders use to increase wrench time by 15%+ for operations, maintenance, and facilities techs:

Embrace real-time technician mobility and asset data accessibility

  • Digital field processes with mobility:  Eliminate inefficient steps, travel, dual entry and wait time associated with paper-based processes.
  • Immediate information: Technicians can access maintenance histories, manuals and schematics directly on mobile devices, slashing downtime and expediting responses.
  • Seamless integration: Real-time procurement data and status updates are integrated into EAM systems, ensuring that crucial information is available at all times.

Integrate EAM with procurement processes

  • Automated triggers: When a machine fails, an integrated EAM automatically initiates the procurement process for needed parts, eliminating delays caused by manual processes.
  • Efficiency in procurement: The procurement process is fully automated, from requisition to order placement, reducing time and administrative burdens.

Implement advanced workflow automation

  • Streamlined issue logging: Automating the logging of issues, alerting technicians and tracking resolutions within EAM ensures that no steps are missed and progress is continuous.
  • Faster procurement: Automated workflows reduce manual entry errors and speed up the parts ordering process, crucial during unexpected downtimes.

Leverage decision support through data

  • Informed decisions: EAM systems provide analytics and historical data on machine performance, aiding technicians in making quick, informed decisions.
  • Simplified ordering: Detailed parts diagrams and itemized pick lists help technicians quickly identify and order necessary parts.

Enhance support with remote diagnostics

  • Remote assistance: Modern EAM includes remote diagnostics and augmented reality (AR) support to guide technicians through complex repairs remotely.
  • Efficient delivery: Procurement practices must ensure quick and efficient delivery of required parts by aligning closely with suppliers.

Blueprint in action

With 1,400 employees across 25 service locations, Skookum Contract Service faced inefficiencies in its work, asset and parts procurement process. This resulted in over 3,000 hours of lost productivity annually at one location alone. By adopting best practices and processes for seamless integration between its asset management and procurement functions, Skookum transformed its operations.

  • Implemented a digital workflow through EAM and mobility that streamlined and digitized asset, work and logistics processes, improving tech wrench time by 15%.
  • Created an integrated process and technology solution that led to a paperless work order environment.
  • Streamlined part searches and procurement workflows, reducing the number of steps from 15 to a single seamless digital workflow.
  • Enabled technicians to quickly and easily access parts using mobile devices.

The result: Skookum maintained on-time, on-budget project delivery, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity. They achieved these results by integrating advanced procurement and mobile EAM technologies.

Technology enablers: IBM® Maximo® Mobile and Varis purchasing platform

Skookum transformed by integrating Varis and IBM Maximo. Varis streamlined procurement with a user-friendly digital marketplace. IBM Maximo’s mobile features offered real-time access to asset data, maintenance histories and remote diagnostics. This integration allowed technicians to manage and procure parts efficiently, reducing downtime and boosting productivity.

Integrating modern EAM solutions with advanced asset, work and procurement processes significantly boosts wrench time and reduces technician downtime. Embracing real-time asset data, automating procurement, streamlining workflows, leveraging data-driven support and using remote diagnostics lead to notable efficiency gains. Skookum Contract Services exemplifies these benefits, showing how tools like Varis and IBM Maximo drive operational improvements, ensuring projects finish on time and within budget.

To learn more about how Varis and IBM can help your organization, check out our latest webinar. The IBM Maximo Application Suite Accelerator Catalog helps operations and maintenance professionals discover trusted partner solutions like Varis for Maximo that help solve business problems. The catalog is available within the Maximo Application Suite and on the IBM Red Marketplace. If you’re a partner interested in joining the accelerator program, please contact maximoaccelerator@ibm.com for more details.

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