Dr. Saritha Arunkumar

IBM Public Cloud WorldWide Technical Leader, Security
Dr Saritha Arunkumar is a Thought Leader with over 23 years of experience in Cyber Security space, leading and shaping up security in emerging areas like Cloud Security, Strategy, Compliance, Risk, Biometrics, IoT security and Blockchain. Saritha has a bachelor’s degree in engineering, master’s degree in operations research and a PhD in Mobile Security. Saritha has been seen as the trusted advisor for senior leaders, C-level executives and Board of directors helping them decide their security strategy, preparing them against cyberattacks with security best practices and helping them identify gaps in their existing security solutions and helping them create better security capabilities. She is a Master Inventor, very passionate about innovation and runs various innovation workshops and patent jams taking the IBM community and helping university students and Secondary schools see the importance of ideation and patenting. Fellow of BCS, Fellow and Board Director of CiiSec, Saritha leads women in Cyber workstream within CiiSec to help more women take up Security as their career. She has won many awards including runner up for Future of the Women in Digital and Tech Category and winning TechWomen50 award. Saritha has been announced as one of the Winners of Princess Royal Silver Medal Award for 2023 for excellence in Engineering in the field of CyberSecurity. (https://raeng.org.uk/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/princess-royal-silver-medal).
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