Roy Derks

Developer Experience & DevRel
Roy Derks works with engineering, product, and marketing teams to build great products, attract new users, and create engaging content. Roy joined IBM from the recent acquisition of StepZen, which developed a GraphQL server that helps developers build GraphQL APIs quickly and with less code. Roy has over 11 years of experience in building, investing, and advising startups and developers, and is the founder of Roy Derks - Author, Speaker & Trainer for Web Technologies and AI - Hackteam, a platform that connects tech talent with innovative projects. He is also an international speaker, author, and educator, with a passion for GraphQL, React, and machine learning. He has published multiple books and articles, delivered keynote presentations and workshops, and contributed to open-source projects and communities. He has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Talents in Business by the Dutch Financial Times in 2021, and as one of the TNW Top 500 Talents in Tech for three consecutive years. His mission is to make world-class tech education available to everyone, and to empower developers to create impactful solutions.
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