Michal Piechocki

Michal Piechocki, Business Reporting – Advisory Group (BR – AG)
Michal Piechocki is a CEO and Chairman of the Business Reporting--Advisory Group and also serves multiple non-profit roles helping to build trusted financial data ecosystems. As a CEO of BR-AG, he has worked for regulatory and supervisory authorities including central banks in England, Spain, Germany, Poland, Iraq, Israel, Indonesia and Austria and securities and insurance supervisory commissions and authorities in Bermuda, Poland, Malaysia and Chile applying open data standards and technologies in order to establish the trusted open data ecosystems. Michal worked for the open government Standard Business Reporting Projects in Australia and the Netherlands. He has been advising the European Securities and Markets Authority, the European Banking Authority and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority as well as the European Central Bank on the adoption of XBRL, SDMX, ISO20022 and the open Data Point Model for Basel Acord, IFRS and Solvency II. On behalf of his firm and in cooperation with international partners he has led the project for the European Commission, combining open Distributed Ledger Technology and open source code with international open electronic business reporting InlineXBRL standard in order to restore trust in capital markets’ transparency. Michal graduated from the Poznan University of Economics, Poland, where he received Master’s degree in Economics. He is the author of a number of publications among others a joint publication for IFAC and ISACA and a book “XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain”. He has been a speaker at a variety of financial, technological, supervisory and statistical conferences.
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