Jean Bozman

Jean Bozman
Jean S. Bozman is Vice President and Principal Analyst at Hurwitz & Associates, a research and consulting firm focused on big data analytics, cognitive computing, cyber-security, business process automation, hybrid cloud and cloud computing. The firm is based in Needham, MA, and Ms. Bozman is based in Palo Alto, CA. She is an expert industry analyst with more than 20 years of experience focused on the worldwide IT markets for databases, servers, storage and software. Bozman’s primary focus is analyzing the technologies and market opportunities for data center infrastructure – including both cloud and enterprise data centers. By taking a holistic perspective on the combination of hardware and software, she analyzes workloads handled by on-premises and off-premises hybrid clouds – linking private clouds with public clouds. She also focuses on the impact on storage and the emerging market for Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI).
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