Eng. Jamal Sharida Al-Kaabi

Jamal Sharida Al-Kaabi, Qatar Public Works Authority, Ashghal
Jamal Sharida S J Al Kaabi is manager of the Planning and Quality Department for the State of Qatar’s Public Works Authority, Ashghal. His project management and engineering experience span over 23 years, during which he has served as manager and director of several government infrastructure departments. His senior positions include Chairman of Qatar’s Engineering & Technical Committee, Head of Qatar ITS Project, and Board Member of the National Raw Material Pricing and Supply Supervision Committee. In recognition of his contribution to the construction industry in Qatar, Jamal Sharida S J Al Kaabi won the Special Achievement Award in GIS from Esri and the Recognition Award from US Ambassador Joseph LeBaron for taking part in Qatar’s Infrastructure Leaders Mission to the US. Jamal Sharida S J Al Kaabi holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and a minor in management from the University of Miami.
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