Elizebeth Varghese

Elizebeth Varghese
Elizebeth leads and transforms organizations to achieve powerful business outcomes. She is a global business leader and advocate of servant leadership, a trusted C-suite advisor and board director. Elizebeth furthers People, Technology and HR strategies with solutions in artificial intelligence, Blockchain and robotics - for organizations that operate around the world, and in Space. She is recognized as a global Top 100 Influencer, for her continuing work as a futurist and thought leader. She is a #1 best-selling author on management and leadership. Elizebeth brings creativity, and a thoughtful, collaborative approach to inspire, uncover the best thinking and exceed business results. Elizebeth is a Partner, and the global leader for IBM’s Talent and HR Reinvention Strategy client services. She is also the community leader for IBM’s Space Exploration Services, and a member of the “Good Technology” team. Elizebeth is on the Council of Advisors for the SETI Institute, which works with NASA and other space agencies to explore, understand and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe. Elizebeth champions space exploration education and programs. She is a Board member at SAYA, a non-profit organization providing after-school programming, education and college support.
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