February 1, 2024 By Peter Casler 3 min read

MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM is a document database built on a horizontally scalable architecture that uses a flexible schema for data storage. Founded in 2007, MongoDB has garnered a worldwide fan base within the developer community.

Resolving IT sprawl: Optimizing database infrastructure for innovation

MongoDB helped to spark an industry trend toward specialization with its document model and horizontal scalability. However, over time, these narrowly specialized products often introduced more costs and complexities. Integrating disparate products into a single architecture can impede innovation by siloing data, fragmenting application infrastructure, and further confusing workflows. This also creates a training gap, slowing down developers as they invest valuable time in learning the intricacies of each product.

MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM 6.0.6:

The common theme in MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM 6.0.6 is simplification. The new capabilities of MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM 6.0.6 allow developers to quickly develop, test and release applications, avoiding the need for external software or third-party tools.

This release helps developers avoid data silos, confusing architectures, wasted time on integrating external technologies, missed service level agreements and other opportunities, as well as the need for custom work, such as pipelines for exporting data.

The key features in MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM 6.0.6 are:

  1. Improved support for time series data. 6.0.6 time series collections now include secondary and compound indexes on measurements.
  2. New capabilities to support change streams and event-driven architectures.
  3. Improved query performance for sorting operations.
  4. Improved operational resilience with up to 4 times faster initial sync via file copy. Developers can access document state changes and data definition language (DDL) operations, such as creating or dropping collections and indexes.
  5. Major improvements to sharding. The default chunk size for sharded collections is now 128 MB. A new configure collection balancing command also allows for the defragmentation of a collection to reduce the impact of the sharding balancer.
  6. More data security and operational efficiency. Administrators can now compress and encrypt audit events before saving them to disk, by using their key management system that complies with the key management interoperability protocol.

When should you use MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM?

MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM 6.0.6 is a general-purpose database used in various ways to support applications in many different industries. Typical use cases for MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM 6.0.6 include:

1. MongoDB and watsonx.ai

The speed, scope and scale of generative AI’s impact is unparalleled. How enterprises adopt and run it define whether they unlock value at scale.

Enterprises can now elevate their AI capabilities through the integration between IBM® watsonx.ai ™ and MongoDB. This RAG tutorial shows you how to get started.

2. Integrating large amounts of diverse data

If you are bringing together tens or hundreds of data sources, the flexibility and power of the document model can create a single unified view in ways that other databases cannot. The document model has succeeded in bringing such projects to life when approaches that use other databases have failed.

3. Describing complex data structures that evolve

Document databases allow the embedding of documents to describe nested structures and easily tolerate variations in data in generations of documents. Specialized data formats like geospatial are efficiently supported. This results in a resilient repository that doesn’t break or need to be redesigned every time something changes.

4. Delivering data in high-performance applications

MongoDB Enterprise Advance with IBM’s scale-out architecture can effortlessly handle extensive transactions on large databases. Unlike other databases, requiring complex engineering and more components, it boasts inherent scalability due to its well-designed architecture. MongoDB Enterprise Advance with IBM offers built-in scalability.

5. Supporting hybrid and multi-cloud applications

MongoDB Enterprise Advance with IBM can be deployed and run on a desktop, a massive cluster of computers in a data center, or in a public cloud, either as installed software or through MongoDB Atlas, a database-as-a-service product. If you have applications that need to run wherever they make sense, MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM supports any configuration now and in the future.

6. Supporting agile development and collaboration

Document databases put developers in charge of the data. Data transforms into code that is friendly to developers. This is far different from making developers use a strange system that requires a specialist. Document databases also allow the evolution of the structure of the data as needs are better understood. Collaboration and governance can allow one team to control one part of a document, while another team manages another.

Unlocking the benefits of MongoDB Enterprise Advance with IBM

MongoDB Enterprise Advance with IBM is a versatile database that provides many benefits for application development processes. It enables developers to create resilient applications, by using its scaling capabilities and flexible schema. MongoDB Enterprise Advance with IBM provides a great developer experience, offering drivers for most major programming languages and a large user community.

Learn more about how you can benefit from this robust, scalable, highly available document database management solution, MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM.

Explore MongoDB Enterprise Advanced with IBM

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