August 11, 2023 By Paul Carley 3 min read

Gaining insights into application performance and resource utilization is critical to keep your business performing at its best. Having detailed reporting dashboards to provide real-time insights, visualizations and centralized data enables efficient decision-making and proactive management, which are very important to the health of your applications.

That’s why we are happy to announce that IBM is launching new Turbonomic Reporting Dashboards, now available for Turbonomic SaaS customers with the rollout of IBM Turbonomic version 8.9.6.

The new enhanced reporting dashboards in IBM Turbonomic provide comprehensive insights into application performance and supply chain utilization. By leveraging best-in-class data warehouse and BI visualization, this new reporting service helps assure optimal performance that is tailored to a customer’s individual reporting needs. Users can filter specific applications to get a single view into metrics, such as peak response time, average response time, peak transactions, SLO violations and more. With controlled access and self-service analytics, users can easily share custom-made reports with other users throughout the organization and integrate with their own BI solutions.

Sample of cloud actions dashboard.

What makes these new reporting dashboards different than the previous version?

We developed our new Turbonomic reporting dashboards around three key concepts that customers are requesting:


We created pre-built template reports that are simple to set up and simple to use to improve time to value. While our Grafana model still offers trusted data for admins to leverage, feedback from customers was that, at times, these dashboards were not simple to set up and could take time to build if the admin was not experienced with building Grafana dashboards. With the new reporting dashboards, we’ve created simple, pre-built templates to help enable admins to quickly set up dashboards around key data needed to begin collecting information faster. These dashboards support both cloud actions and data center (on-prem) actions:

Sample of ultimate cluster utilization dashboard.


With these pre-built templates, admins still have the flexibility to customize reporting dashboards to tailor to the end user’s individual needs. This means admins can quickly build custom dashboards for different teams to provide key data that individuals can access on demand. IBM has also added improved visualizations to easily analyze data, allowing users to dive into deeper metric views to assure optimal performance for applications. As an added benefit, admins can incorporate other BI solutions into these dashboards, providing a better opportunity to view key data from one simplified reporting solution.


Users can now easily share customized reports throughout the organization. Admins can give controlled access to custom dashboards and provide self-service analytics to other departments to alleviate the burden of sending out reports. Now other departments can access the data they need in real-time when they need it, and admins can restrict what those other departments can view.  

Get started

With this phase one initial rollout of these pre-built, customizable reporting dashboard templates, you will have access to three to five custom reporting templates to get started and local login support. We plan on offering additional reporting dashboards, UI integration and SSO integration with IBM Verify within the next phase rollout, coming soon. We also plan to roll out several additional dashboards throughout the second half of 2023 to help bring enhanced analytics to your IT operation.

Customers leveraging an on-prem Turbonomic solution will be able to use this new service early in the second half of 2023 (projected) but can continue to utilize the current reporting dashboards included with their service.

For further details, visit IBM Turbonomic documentation.

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