December 6, 2022 By Steven Weaver 2 min read

We are pleased to announce the general availability of the Toolchains as Code capabilities in IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery.

You can now manage your DevOps toolchains and Tekton delivery pipelines as code artifacts and automate their creation, updating and deletion from the command line.

In a previous blog article, we discussed the benefits of managing your toolchains and pipelines as code, which include the following:

  • Easier management of multiple toolchain templates for large organizations with many projects.
  • Version-controlled toolchains and pipelines for enhanced regulatory compliance
  • Programmatic access via scripting or the command line to toolchains and pipelines, providing the ability for greater automation instead of manual actions using the cloud console UI.

What’s included in the Toolchains as Code feature?

The new capabilities within IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery benefit developers and development teams alike, and they include the following:

  • We have added CD Toolchain and CD Tekton Pipeline resources to the IBM Cloud Terraform Provider version 1.48.0. The provider acts as a translation layer that allows Terraform to communicate to toolchain and pipeline resources in order to create, manage and update toolchains and pipelines.
  • The Continuous Delivery open source Go SDK version 1.0.1 allows developers to programmatically interact with Toolchains and Tekton pipelines.
  • The Continuous Delivery Toolchain HTTP v2 API provides the following functions, based on the user’s IAM permissions:
    • Create, read, update and delete toolchains.
    • Read, provision and update tool integrations.
    • Create, read, update and delete toolchain integrations.
  • The Continuous Delivery Tekton Pipeline HTTP v2 API provides the following functions, based on the user’s IAM permissions:
    • Create and delete Tekton pipeline instances.
    • Get and update Tekton pipeline data.
    • Get, list and delete pipeline run records.
    • Trigger, rerun or cancel a pipeline run.
    • Get a list of pipeline run log objects.
    • Get the log content of a pipeline run step.
    • List pipeline definitions.
    • Create, retrieve, edit or delete single pipeline definition entries.
    • List the pipeline’s environment properties.
    • Get, create, delete or replace the value of single pipeline environment properties.
    • List pipeline triggers.
    • Get, create, edit, delete or duplicate pipeline triggers.
    • List trigger properties.
    • Get, create, replace or delete trigger properties.
  • The Enhanced Continuous Delivery service documentation has more than 30 topics worth of API, Go SDK and Terraform examples, guidance, FAQs, troubleshooting tips and more.

Next steps

We hope you’ll give these new Toolchains as Code capabilities a try. We’ll be continuing to add new features, but if you’d like to share any feedback with us or suggest additional capabilities you’d like to see, you can reach out to the IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery development team by joining us on Slack.

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