February 16, 2023 By Ajuma Bella Salifu 2 min read

We’re excited to announce that IBM Instana Observability has won the Devies 2023 Award in the Developer Category in Observability and Monitoring. Just a few weeks into the new year, congratulations are in order to the Instana team.

The 11th Annual Devies are the definitive annual awards for the software industry, recognizing outstanding design, engineering and innovation in developer technology across 31 categories.

This recognition is a testament to IBM’s hard work and dedication to delivering exceptional products that meet the needs of customers. The award for Instana on IBM z/OS is particularly noteworthy as it highlights that we tackle complex and challenging problems and find innovative solutions to meet the demands of the observability market.

Chris Walker, IBM z/OS product manager, says “With Instana’s capabilities for z/OS, we are bringing the IBM mainframe directly into enterprise-wide observability. IBM systems continue to be the foundation of leading organizations’ operations running critical workloads 24/7 due to its scalability, security and sustainability. This trace data can be used to not only provide critical application response time details but also provide a ‘mobile-to-mainframe’ application topology. With the continued development of complex hybrid cloud applications spanning mobile devices, public cloud and on-premises environments, an application-centric view has never been more critical to quickly isolating application performance issues. The majority of APM/observability solutions today have no visibility into the mainframe, creating a black box while managing applications. As a result, some application performance problems are not detected until end users are impacted, creating a firefighting environment for application owners, IT operations teams and developers as they work to find what the problem is.”

The award recognises IBM’s positioning to identify a key need in the enterprise-observability space, deploy the technical capabilities to deliver on this vision and support application tracing into z/OS and key subsystems like CICS, IMS, DB2 and MQ.

Instana passes the AWS FTR

Mike Mallo, Head of Instana Product Management, also announced that IBM Instana passed the AWS FTR. The AWS FTR is a rigorous evaluation process that assesses the technical capabilities of a product and enables you to identify and remediate risks in your software or solutions. Whether your software is delivered as a SaaS solution or deployed by your customers, the FTR helps you identify AWS Well-Architected best practices specific to your software or solution. This is a testament to our commitment to quality.

The successful completion of the AWS FTR demonstrates our product’s readiness for deployment and the confidence that customers can have in its ability to meet their needs.

The success of Instana on IBM z/OS and the AWS FTR are significant milestones for the product management team and the company. This reflects Instana’s commitment to innovation, customer-focused product development and relentless pursuit of excellence.

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IBM Instana’s dedication to understanding customer needs and delivering products that meet those needs is what sets us apart from our competitors. 

No award would be possible without our customers and wonderful community. We are so grateful to you for all the trust and partnership and all the ways you have shaped what Instana has become. We are excited to accept this award on behalf of the entire community. Congratulations to the Instana product management team on these remarkable achievements.

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