May 2, 2023 By Steven Weaver 2 min read

We are pleased to announce that IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery now includes a tool integration with IBM Cloud Event Notifications.

This integration allows administrators to configure toolchains to send notifications of events in a toolchain or a tool integration to other users or human destinations. In addition, these event notifications can be sent to other applications (such as IBM Cloud Functions) to build logic by using event-driven programming using webhooks, for example.

With the new Event Notifications integration, toolchain administrators now have many more options for letting users and automations know about the status of pipeline runs and toolchain events.

What is IBM Cloud Event Notifications?

The IBM Cloud Event Notifications service allows other services or third-party tools to receive information about critical events that occur in your IBM Cloud account. You can filter and route event notifications from IBM Cloud services like Toolchains, Monitoring, Security and Compliance Center, and Secrets Manager to communication channels like PagerDuty, Slack, email, SMS, push notifications, webhooks, Microsoft Teams, ServiceNow and IBM Cloud Functions.

How does the integration work?

  1. To send information to Event Notifications, you must add an Event Notifications tool integration to your toolchain.
  2. On your toolchain’s home page, click Add.
  3. On the Add tool integration page, click Event Notifications. Complete the fields on the subsequent page to configure the integration.
  4. Alternatively, you can configure Event Notifications by using the API or Terraform.

How events are collected and sent by toolchains

When an event of interest takes place in a toolchain or one of the supported tool integrations, the toolchain communicates with a connected Event Notifications instance to forward a notification to supported destinations.

After you enable event notifications for a toolchain, create topics, destinations and subscriptions in Event Notifications so that alerts can be forwarded and delivered to your selected destinations.

The following event types are supported:

  • Tool created: This event is sent when a tool integration is created and added to a toolchain.
  • Tool deleted: This event is sent when a tool integration is deleted and removed from a toolchain.
  • Pipeline run started: This event is sent when either a Tekton pipeline run or a Classic pipeline stage starts.
  • Pipeline run succeeded: This event is sent when either a Tekton pipeline run or a Classic pipeline stage completes successfully.
  • Pipeline run failed: This event is sent when either a Tekton pipeline run or a Classic pipeline stage completes with an error or a failure.
  • Pipeline run cancelled: This event is sent when either a Tekton pipeline run or a Classic pipeline stage is cancelled.

Next steps

We hope you’ll give the new Event Notifications integration a try. We’ll be continuing to add new features, but if you’d like to share any feedback with us or suggest additional capabilities you’d like to see, you can reach out to the IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery development team by joining us on Slack.

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