November 18, 2019 By Douglas Paris-White < 1 min read

CloudLab Episode 4: How to keep cloud native development focused on meeting customer needs.

When done efficiently, cloud native development keeps teams focused on quickly delivering new business value to customers. The obstacles in the way of efficiency are many, however, including the following:

  • The need to modernize existing application monoliths.
  • Setting up and managing secure API endpoints to share resources across clouds.
  • Automating the business processes to run in synch with DevOps pipelines.
  • Preparing an information architecture and pooled resources for using data in machine learning pipelines that can generate insights as a guide to new app development.

How IBM Cloud Paks can help enterprises achieve DevOps velocity

In this episode of the CloudLab, IDC analyst Mary Johnston Turner joins host Sai Vennam to share research on IT trends and discuss the implied pain points for enterprise organizations as they evolve cloud native development programs. 

Sai takes Mary into the Cloud lab to demonstrate how IBM Cloud Paks—pre-containerized software solutions to crucial use cases—can help enterprises achieve DevOps velocity by providing solutions for use cases that are crucial, but not central, to meeting business objectives.

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Title: How to keep cloud native development focused on meeting customer needs

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019

Time: 2:00 PM EST

Duration: 30 minutes

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