We are excited to announce that IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS has adopted flexible pricing and supports vertical scaling on-demand and resource monitoring.

What are the benefits?

As a solution architect or database admin, it’s often difficult to accurately estimate the resources you need. With on-premises databases, it might be possible for you to tune all the performance factors, but infrastructure purchases and configurations are never easy.

In a cloud environment, you can just focus on the key metrics accessible to you instead of worrying about every performance factor. Now, with IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS (a highly secure cloud database service built on LinuxONE), you can provision your service instance with a range of CPU, memory, and disk sizes from which to choose from. You can also scale your database resources on-demand after provisioning and monitor your resources with the newly integrated IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig service.

Flexible pricing plan

With the new flexible pricing and vertical scaling, Hyper Protect DBaaS provides you with the flexibility to grow and shrink as your business needs. It’s streamlined with pricing models of other Cloud DBs and enables you to start small and grow fast without the need to migrate to a different pricing plan.

Note that Hyper Protect DBaaS provides one primary node and two secondary nodes for high availability, by default. The values you select are for each node, and the total resource allocation is three times the values you select. For example, if you select 4 GB RAM per node, your total RAM allocation is 12 GB.

Keep in mind the total cost of ownership. With Hyper Protect DBaaS you get an out-of-the-box, end-to-end solution with NO hidden fees. Unlike others in the industry, the cost includes daily backups but also no additional charges for ingress, egress, or IOPS.

Vertical scaling

To scale up your resources (vCPU, RAM, and disk), go to the Resources page in your service dashboard and select larger allocation values. For vCPU and RAM, you can also choose to scale down. After you select new resource allocation values and apply the changes, you can see the scaling status of each node in the dashboard. You can also use the CLI or API to do the scaling.

If you are using the old fixed-pricing plan (i.e., Small, Medium, or Large), go to the Plan page first to convert your fixed-pricing plan to the flexible plan and reload the dashboard to see the Resources page and scale your resources. Free service instances can’t be converted or scaled.


It’s recommended that you monitor your database usage to find the optimal resource allocation values before scaling.

Monitoring for Hyper Protect DBaaS is provided through integration with IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig. You can enable sending your metrics to the Sysdig service and create a Sysdig service instance to monitor your RAM, disk, and CPU usage.

For example, after you provision a service instance with the minimum resource allocations values, you can use the Sysdig service to monitor your resource utilization and see if your resources are stretched. You can also set up alerts for metrics that are important to you.

With the Sysdig monitoring service, you can make well-informed decisions on resource scaling.

For detailed instructions on vertical scaling, see:

For detailed instructions on enabling monitoring, see:

More about IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS

IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS offers highly secure and managed databases — including PostgreSQL and MongoDB Enterprise Server — and provides a high level of data confidentiality for your sensitive data in the IBM Cloud.

Go to the IBM Cloud Catalog to try out the 30-day free plan for Hyper Protect DBaaS. You can choose between two database options:

Check out the Getting Started with IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS and Bring Your Own Key to IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS videos in the IBM Demos Collection.

Consult the Hyper Protect DBaaS for PostgreSQL documentation or the Hyper Protect DBaaS for MongoDB documentation for details on how to get started.

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