February 26, 2020 By Rob Warren
Rajeev Saxena
< 1 min read

IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared (IC4V Shared) provides a cost-effective, self-service way to get started moving VMs to the cloud within minutes.

IC4V Shared leverages VMware vCloud Director, providing a solution option for those looking to offload hypervisor management and save costs by leveraging multi-tenant infrastructure.

Get started in minutes with IC4V Shared by following the three easy steps below.

Step 1: Order your Virtual Data Center (VDC)

Sign up or login to your IBM Cloud account and navigate to IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions, where you can select to provision VMware Solutions Shared in an On Demand or Reserved consumption model.

Note: Be sure that your account is upgraded to either a pay-as-you-go or subscription account before proceeding.

Step 2: Set up the network

Once you’ve deployed your instance, it’s time to set up your VDC network and enable inbound and outbound traffic.

Step 3: Deploy a VM

Quickly create a new VM and connect it to the network.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up an IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared environment and deployed a VM.

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