May 7, 2024 By Joshua Kappelman 2 min read

Imagine that you are a talent acquisition manager at a large corporation, and you’re struggling to find suitable candidates for a critical role. Despite posting the description on multiple job boards, you have received dozens unqualified or uninteresting résumés, and it has become a huge challenge to sort through all of them. This results in wasted valuable time and resources on manual screening, causing frustration among hiring managers.

This scenario is common in fast-paced business environments. The talent competition is fierce, placing immense pressure on companies to quickly and efficiently secure the best candidates. However, traditional recruitment methods are proving ineffective, leaving talent acquisition teams struggling to keep up.

That is where IBM Talent Optimizers with IBM Watson® comes in. Our leading artificial intelligence (AI) solution is designed to help you find the right candidates faster and more efficiently.

With our solution, you can:

  • Improve candidate experience through AI-powered interactions offering personalized job recommendations and responding to queries.
  • Reduce the workload of recruiters by providing insights on job requisition complexity, ideal matches, and top performers and automating résumé screening.
  • Gain valuable insights into the factors driving successful long-term hires through data analysis.
  • Uncover hidden talent inside your organization to help you source from within. Identify potential bias in your screening and sourcing.
  • Seamlessly integrate with your existing tech stack and tailor the solution to align with your skills agenda.

By using AI in your talent acquisition process, you can reduce time-to-hire, improve candidate quality, and increase inclusion and diversity. Our solution is designed to help you achieve these benefits and more, with a client-first focus that puts your needs at the forefront.

What sets IBM Talent Optimizers with IBM Watson apart is our transparent and traceable AI solutions, which are built by behavioral scientists and ranked number one in the market by the International Data Corporation (IDC). Our solution offers the adaptability and flexibility that you need to evolve your talent strategy as your business and stakeholder needs continue to change.

Ready to revolutionize your talent acquisition process?

Contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner® to schedule a maturity assessment or an in-depth conversation. We work together to understand your business needs, talent strategy and wanted outcomes, and to create a customized solution to address your current business strategies and concerns.

Learn more about IBM Talent Optimizers with IBM Watson
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