February 12, 2024 By Kendra DeKeyrel < 1 min read

IBM® Envizi™ is pleased to announce the release of additional functionality as we continue to build out our Scope 3 emissions accounting solution. The new Supply Chain Intelligence module, part of the IBM Envizi ESG Suite, captures and aggregates high-volume supplier and product-level transactional data along with product carbon footprint data (PCF) for the purpose of Scope 3 calculation and reporting.

Transactional data, including spend, is directly integrated from the client’s ERP system. The emissions calculation engine automates Scope 3 emissions calculation for individual order lines, prioritizing supplier-specific product carbon footprint data when available; otherwise, average data or spend-based emissions factors are used.

Engage your suppliers at scale

Assessing emissions from your supply chain for reporting and performance improvement presents a data challenge. IBM Envizi offers an integrated, centralized system to bring together supply chain data and broader ESG data to scale Scope 3 accounting and reporting. 

The product includes automated product-level data request data collection and analysis that enables faster, easier collaboration between suppliers. IBM Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence delivers actionable insights to help operationalize the process of collecting product-level emissions data from suppliers, improving data quality and identifying opportunities for performance improvement.

Emissions data—but make it better

Use IBM Envizi’s Supply Chain Intelligence solution to streamline and enhance your Scope 3 category 1 emissions calculations to meet reporting requirements and identify opportunities to reduce emissions.

This release builds on recent product enhancements, including an entry level climate disclosure solution, new AI functionality and expanded language options, to IBM® Envizi™ ESG Suite.

Explore how this supply chain emissions solution offers a systematic, auditable methodology and tools to engage suppliers at scale for the collection and management of emissions data from your supply chain. 

Learn how IBM Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence works

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