November 30, 2023 By Kendra DeKeyrel < 1 min read

IBM® Envizi™ proudly announces the release of a starter package from our extensive environmental, social and governance (ESG) software suite. Drawing on the experience and expertise in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions calculations and disclosure provided by Envizi, the IBM® Envizi™ Essentials package includes the functionality organizations need to calculate and report on their Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions.

The new package is designed to help organizations beginning their ESG program and those with a less complex ESG data landscape.

Entry-level package for climate disclosures

With Envizi Essentials, organizations can do the following:

  • Get started with self-service implementation.
  • Calculate Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions on a single platform, using an emissions calculation engine built on the GHG protocol.
  • Create an emissions inventory baseline to track performance over time.
  • Match ESG data structure to reporting requirements.
  • Access AI-enabled natural language processing for categorizing Scope 3 category 1 spend data.
  • Produce auditable data sets with trace-to-source capability.
  • Access granular detail to make data-driven performance improvement decisions.
  • Track performance on climate impact metrics using built-in reporting tools.
  • Engage dispersed teams with flexibility to view platform content in seven languages.

Envizi: Let’s start with the essentials

Use Envizi Essentials to calculate and disclose your climate impact, integrating emissions, energy, water, and waste data on a single platform. IBM Envizi, one of the leading providers of enterprise carbon management software¹, brings you this solution.

This release builds on recent product enhancements, including a new AI functionality and expanded language options, to IBM® Envizi™ ESG Suite.

Explore how this package offers a self-service GHG accounting and reporting solution that quickly delivers value, addresses auditing requirements and minimizes complexity.

Sign up for the 14-day free trial of Envizi Essentials.

¹ Verdantix Green Quadrant 2022 Enterprise Carbon Management Software

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