October 16, 2023 By Ankit Guria
Srikanth Manne
3 min read

Real-time monitoring in SAP BTP lets users harness the power of proactive detection and transform their operations, eliminating problems related to sluggish performance, downtime and troubleshooting errors. 

Real-time monitoring provides for a much-improved user experience, supporting swift action against performance degradation and prompt resolution of issues. Downtime is significantly reduced, and incidents can be resolved before they have a chance to escalate.

In addition, real-time monitoring helps to comply with SLAs, reduce risks and safeguard your operations. Resource allocation can then be managed by optimizing efficiency and eliminating waste.

Key functionalities of IBM Instana for SAP BTP environment

  • Real-time visibility: IBM Instana enables instant insights into the performance and health of your SAP BTP applications. Instana delivers real-time visibility, ensuring you stay ahead of any performance issues.
  • Automated full-stack monitoring: Inefficient, unproductive manual monitoring can be halted. With Instana, you enjoy automated full-stack monitoring, from application performance to infrastructure, microservices, Kubernetes, databases, APIs, and beyond.
  • Realize full potential: Cloud-native applications can be optimized as Instana provides you with actionable insights to optimize performance, enhance the user experience, and drive business success.
  • Automation and AI-powered solutions: Use watsonx automation and AI to predict and resolve issues, enhance accuracy and increase operational efficiency. Read more about watsonx here.

Current offerings by SAP BTP vs. offerings by IBM Instana

CPU utilization

Instana enables real-time CPU utilization monitoring, allowing you to track and optimize the use of processing resources in your application. You can ensure optimal resource allocation and discover any irregularities or spikes that may impair performance by analyzing CPU utilization.

Memory utilization

By giving you access to memory usage data, Instana enables you to keep an eye on how much memory your application is using. By monitoring memory utilization, you can discover memory leaks, improve memory allocation, and avoid out-of-memory issues, which can have an impact on your application’s stability and speed.

SQL traces

SQL tracing is not natively supported by SAP BTP Kyma. It requires the use of third-party performance monitoring tools, databases with built-in SQL tracing capabilities, log4j logging frameworks, and so on. However, Instana can support SQL tracing.

Instana offers SQL traces, which capture and analyze the database queries executed by your application. By examining SQL traces, you can identify slow queries, optimize database interactions and enhance overall database performance.

We recommend the following IBM Instana documentation for the installation of the Instana Agent to the SAP BTP Kyma Cluster. 

Let Instana work for you

Organizations can function at higher levels of efficiency with effective system complexity management. While preserving a superior user experience, Instana quickly locates and eliminates bottlenecks across the application landscape and architecture. And it can support SAP BTP’s traditional monitoring techniques and help avoid common bottlenecks, including those caused by memory usage, CPU utilization, SQL tracing and other issues. Instana is a comprehensive monitoring solution for SAP BTP’s cloud-native applications.

Explore what IBM Instana can do for your business
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