November 30, 2022 By Bill Lobig 4 min read

Driving innovation and digital transformation with IBM intelligent automation solutions on AWS.

Technology has enabled the world GDP to grow 14x faster than population growth in the last two centuries and has accelerated per capita growth over the last 250 years.

It continues to be a driving force even in today’s economy and digital age, but businesses are faced with multiple challenges, including IT complexities and outages, a skills shortage and declining customer satisfaction. People are working harder and clocking longer hours, but delivering less impact. So, how do we make people more productive and make money at the same time? The answer is automation.

According to IDC, automation provides several benefits in terms of day-to-day efficiencies, where it can boost IT staff efficiency by 34%, bolster developer productivity by 30% and increase overall efficiencies in business process management by 24%. In business operations, automation can result in a 10% revenue growth per organization.

Cloud solutions are also gaining a lot of momentum as more enterprises realize the inherent benefits. Over 93% of enterprises are turning to public cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to drive agility and cloud cost savings. The cloud is ideally suited for scaling infrastructure up and down to meet the variability in demand that is prevalent in today’s increasingly complex business environment.

However, without the right tools in place, you can easily overprovision (with high financial and environmental costs) or under-provision (leaving your customers with a bad experience). To assure the best cost-effective performance, health and reliability of software delivered on the cloud, you need a modern observability platform that gives you full stack visibility and understands the underlying cloud-native architecture of modern SaaS applications.

Leverage the power of IBM with the speed and scale of AWS

Some of the most critical business processes of the Fortune 500 and top global banks are powered by IBM software. Today, IBM is at the forefront of the automation revolution. IBM offers a variety of intelligent automation solutions that assure these benefits. 

And AWS is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile and innovate faster.

That is why IBM is working with AWS to deliver IBM intelligent automation solutions on AWS. Through this strategic collaboration, you’re now empowered to quickly deploy reliable enterprise-grade cloud solutions with built-in AI to drive the greatest outcomes for millions of customers every day.

Keeping business strong and costs down through unprecedented change

Daxko, for example, provides a SaaS platform that allows gyms and fitness studios to manage their center’s daily operations.

Daxko solutions run in a hybrid cloud environment comprising four data centers and 27 Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts across production and non-production environments. The company completed nine separate acquisitions to expand its product portfolio and technology to better align with customers’ new needs. With new functionality up and running and a dramatically expanded, heterogeneous IT landscape, Daxko’s biggest challenge was tracking the health and performance of its products.

The Daxko team was used to taking days to configure monitoring tools, but with IBM Instana Observability, they were able to get full visibility in minutes. Although the team already had a monitoring tool, its pricing was complicated, charging Daxko based on number of end-user visits and the amount of data to be captured. In a cost-sensitive economy, cost savings are paramount.

Having IBM Instana as its observability partner helped Daxko get up and running in 15–20 minutes (instead of days), release features quicker, gain thorough visibility into issues to minimize downtime and continue scaling to meet variability in demand without incurring unexpected costs.

Bringing observability to a containerized environment

Dealerware, another software company, delivers a single platform to help dealers manage their rental fleets. They leverage automation through IBM Instana to deal with usage spikes and reduce delivery latency.

Dealerware planned a set of growth initiatives intended to drive up rental and loaner contract volume and quintuple the number of vehicles under fleet management. Since its founding in 2016, Dealerware has been running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform, building its app on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances with a monolithic stack. To prepare for the anticipated growth and even greater spikes during peak demand, the engineering team migrated Dealerware’s platform from monolithic applications to a more scalable container-based architecture with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters.

After moving to a better-performing environment, Dealerware needed to control latency with scalable observability and monitoring. Generally, observability tools collect and display data from the system that teams want to monitor. But data requires meaningful and actionable analysis. The better your analysis capabilities are, the more valuable your investments in observability and monitoring become. That is where Instana shines.

With IBM Instana as its observability partner, Dealerware was able to automatically detect its full AWS stack, with comprehensive monitoring of EKS clusters. The Instana agent does all the heavy lifting without additional configuration, including auto-injection into containers at runtime, rich visualization of application dependencies and performance metrics, and comprehensive mapping of all application dependencies. From a single control pane, Dealerware now has visibility on where issues occur, understands the causes and initiates fixes, allowing it to reduce delivery latency by 98%, from 10 minutes to 10–12 seconds.

Power your digital transformation by using IBM intelligent automation solutions on AWS

IBM offers the following software products as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) on AWS marketplace.

IBM Instana Observability

Get fast, precision observability into your AWS technology stack to drive performance and reliability. IBM Instana provides high-precision, one-second metrics with complete, unsampled end-to-end transaction traces for a vast range of AWS software services and applications.

Try it now

IBM Turbonomic Application Resource Management

Cloud optimization you can continuously automate to prevent performance risk and cost overruns. IBM Turbonomic is a next generation IT infrastructure management software that makes complex resourcing decisions to ensure your applications get the resources they need while minimizing cloud spend and your carbon footprint.

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IBM API Connect

Connect applications and data, wherever they reside. IBM API Connect provides a powerful toolkit for integration specialists and a no-code interface with AI-powered assistance to simplify and accelerate integration.

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IBM Aspera

Move data of any size across any distance. IBM Aspera is a hosted service to send and share your files and data sets of any size and type across a hybrid cloud environment — up to hundreds of times faster than FTP and HTTP quickly and reliably.

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IBM Content Services (new offering)

Accelerate content management and governance processes while delivering superior customer experiences. Securely access content where and when you need it with IBM Content Services.

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IBM App Connect Enterprise SaaS (new offering)

Instantly connect applications and data, wherever they reside. With a catalog of pre-built connectors and customizable templates, IBM App Connect Enterprise SaaS allows organizations to rapidly connect applications and build integration flows.

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