April 17, 2023 By Thomas Fisher 3 min read

The new AWS Cloud Operations Competency allows customers to select validated AWS Partners who offer comprehensive solutions with an integrated approach across all five solution areas.

The five solutions are as follows:

  • Cloud Operations: Cloud Financial Management
  • Cloud Governance
  • Monitoring and Observability
  • Compliance and Auditing
  • Operations Management

As an AWS Cloud Operations Competency Partner, IBM Instana Observability has demonstrated expertise in helping customers build a strong and scalable foundation for their end-to-end Cloud Operations.

IT Operations (ITOps) are at the heart of every organization. It can be time-consuming and challenging for customers to determine the best way to set up their organization for operational excellence. Without the right model for operating at cloud scale, organizations can struggle to balance their needs for security, compliance and operational safety with their responsibility to boost innovation, speed and agility. Builders can run into inefficient and siloed application development, difficult deployments that result in errors, and downtime in mission-critical applications.

Many of these issues are caused by customers focusing on one area of Cloud Operations over others, resulting in them missing the opportunity to generate a larger ROI during in their digital transformation. AWS Cloud Operations Competency Partners have proven customer success in delivering solutions to help customers set up, build, migrate and operate securely and efficiently with an integrated approach to Cloud Operations.

The AWS Cloud Operations Competency differentiates AWS Partner Network (APN) members with significant expertise in providing cross-functional guidance across the five solution areas of Cloud Operations. Instana follows AWS best practices and has proven experience as a fully automated observability solution for cloud-native applications. With a single agent, we auto-discover application building blocks, trace every request and create a dynamic graph of all dependencies with your AWS environment.

Instana’s AWS Cloud Operations Certification Category: Monitoring and Observability

As an AWS Partner, Instana has a proven track record of helping customers use observability services to understand what is happening across their technology stack at any time, leveraging AWS-native services, application performance monitoring (APM) and open-source solutions. With Instana, customers can get an end-to-end view into events in cloud, hybrid or on-premises environments. They also gain insights into the behavior, performance and health of their systems to reduce time to detect and resolve issues.

Instana features tight integration with the following Amazon and AWS products:

Amazon ECS Trace Monitoring with Instana

Instana enables SREs and DevOps teams to maintain AWS application and infrastructure performance, availability and reliability and enables accelerated software development.

Why Instana?

By achieving the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Operations Competency for AWS, Instana has demonstrated the ability to meet the rigorous requirements of the program. At its core, Instana provides the most advanced observability platform for cloud applications because it is the only platform that is cloud-native. That means it doesn’t struggle with limitations of platforms that are based on older-generation APM platforms. This design delivers Real-Time Observability, which includes the following:

  • One-second infrastructure metrics for 24 hours
  • Full end-to-end traces for 100% of application transactions
  • Immediately accurate AI-driven analytics based upon precise metrics and traces

AWS Lambda Call Monitoring with Instana

Learn more

Learn more at IBM Instana or try Instana today by signing up for a 14-day trial.

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