May 4, 2023 By Paul Carley 2 min read

IBM is pleased to announce that its popular automation software, IBM Turbonomic, is now available for purchase in the AWS Marketplace.

IBM Turbonomic is an AI-powered automation platform that delivers end-to-end visibility and control of application and network performance. It is designed to optimize and automate the management of workloads and infrastructure resources in multicloud environments.

IBM Turbonomic uses machine learning algorithms to dynamically optimize the allocation of compute, storage and network resources to ensure the best possible performance and utilization of resources. It helps organizations to manage their resources more efficiently and cost-effectively, and to avoid performance issues and downtime.

Turbonomic features

IBM Turbonomic offers a range of features, including the following:

  • Resource management: Provides intelligent recommendations for workload placement, resource allocation and scaling, which helps optimize the utilization of resources across different environments.
  • Performance monitoring: Monitors application and network performance in real-time and identifies performance bottlenecks and issues before they impact end-users.
  • Automation: Automates resource allocation and scaling based on application demand and workload characteristics, which helps reduce manual efforts and errors.
  • Cost optimization: Helps organizations optimize their cloud spend by providing recommendations for rightsizing instances and reducing waste.
  • Compliance: Helps organizations ensure compliance with industry regulations and internal policies by providing insights and recommendations for security and compliance.

IBM Turbonomic is suitable for organizations of all sizes and industries, from small businesses to large enterprises. It can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, and supports a range of cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

AWS Marketplace convenience

IBM has partnered with AWS to bring its SaaS-based service to provide customers with even more flexible options when purchasing Turbonomic. Some of the benefits to purchasing from the AWS Marketplace include the following:

  • Leverage EDP funds/budgets: Customers that have committed purchase agreements or budgets with AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) can leverage these funds to purchase Turbonomic licenses.
  • Faster time to value: The SaaS model software enables customers to get started faster and see time to value. IBM SaaS removes the burden of installation and maintenance, simplifying onboarding and ongoing software updates.
  • Continuous innovation: The Turbonomic SaaS model always provides the latest innovations and features automatically, while securely deploying updates to your platform.

IBM offers Turbonomic on AWS Marketplace in two options, a SaaS-based model and a client-managed on-prem version. Currently, these offers are only available in the U.S., but IBM is planning to expand to other parts of the world later this year.

For additional details visit the IBM Turbonomic page on AWS Marketplace.

Learn more about IBM Turbonomic.

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