September 14, 2017 By DJ Walker-Morgan 2 min read

Vertical Scaling control for Compose databases on Bluemix

Users of the Compose databases on Bluemix can now take direct control of their database’s vertical scaling through the Bluemix  Compose console.

As we’ve built Bluemix Compose, we’ve been extending the custom Bluemix dashboards for each of the Compose databases. We’ve been addressing the most requested features from our users. We are, therefore, pleased to announce that one of the most requested features  — vertical scaling control — is now available.

Why control vertical scaling?

Compose databases all auto-scale according to either their RAM or storage requirements. Based on regular scans of your resource usage, Compose’s automated management increases the amount of resources available. There are times when you may wish to preclude the auto-scaling system or even make your database smaller, therefore, we have added this new vertical scaling control.

For example, massive data imports can put a strain on indexing. With the vertical scaling control, you can make much more memory immediately available and get a huge boost to database performance. If your database has been full of aging records which you’ve archived and deleted, you may want to scale down. Once you have compacted your database, the vertical scaling control enables you to trim your resource allocation. So, how does it work…

Taking control

Go to the Manage tab for your database and in the overview. There you will find a new Scale Resourcesbutton. This is your gateway to vertical scaling controls.

This takes you through to the Scale Resources view where you can see how Compose has made scaling as simple as possible.

You can see how much of your current resources are being used and how much you already have allocated. This example is a Redis database where you scale the amount of RAM available. That’s because it is an in-memory database. Other databases may scale by RAM or by storage. Below that information is a slider which controls the database’s scale. Drag it to the capacity you want and click on Scale Deployment to get the resources you want on tap.

When you override the auto-scaling system, your billing is then guided by the new resource setting you selected. To work out the impact, consult the link to the Bluemix Pricing Calculator.

It is as simple as that. More control over your database, delivered in the simplest, most effective way possible. That’s Compose on Bluemix.

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