August 6, 2021 By Seongwook Park
Alex McMullen
2 min read

As enterprises move to adopt a hybrid cloud environment, there are concerns about the ability to sync between private and public cloud deployments.

The world is moving to hybrid cloud and multicloud deployments, with an estimated 95% of companies utilizing a combination of private and public clouds, plus various providers for each. This model comes with plenty of good reasons to do so, from the cost-efficiency to be gained by cutting back on capital expenditures to the accelerated speed of development with the multitude of tools available in the public cloud.

However, there are also concerns with the future, namely the consistency, connectivity and movement between clouds. Companies need the best of both worlds, with consistent options both on-premises and in the public cloud to take advantage of hybrid cloud.

IBM offers LinuxONE, an enterprise-grade Linux server with unique architecture to meet the needs of mission-critical workloads. Companies choose to use LinuxONE for a variety of Linux-based workloads such as database scalability or digital assets. These clients often want a way to expand into a hybrid cloud reality.

To meet those needs, today, IBM Cloud is announcing the general availability of IBM Cloud LinuxONE for VPC. This offering integrates the LinuxONE platform with the functionality of Virtual Servers for VPC.

What is VPC?

VPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud and means that each customer builds and operates their public cloud environment in a private network. Reap the benefits of the public cloud for agility and flexibility while maintaining the privacy of an on-premises environment with a logically isolated network. Read more about Virtual Private Clouds.

What is LinuxONE for VPC?

LinuxONE for VPC are virtual servers based on the LinuxONE processor architecture that bring the advantages of the platform together with the advantages of VPC. For the first time, LinuxONE is available as a choice in the public cloud. This grants additional and unique options for companies and individuals looking to develop in the public cloud with the backing of an enterprise-grade Linux server. For those who have or are interested in similar deployments on-premises, this option allows development and testing of the application or workload in the public cloud. Spin up a few instances to experience the LinuxONE platform for just a few hours or stand up a permanent public cloud development environment before porting workloads to production on-premises. Besides the Virtual Private Cloud, these virtual servers come with a host of benefits, such as the following:

  • Simplified logging and monitoring: Use a dashboard to view the health of virtual servers and their usage in a graphical interface.
  • Backup and restore: Use in combination with IBM Cloud Object Storage to ensure high availability.
  • File share: Share data volumes between instances for faster communication.
  • Snapshot: Take moment-in-time backups of instances and save in storage for quick recovery.
  • Start/Stop/Restart: Invoke a restart without submitting a ticket and waiting for help.
  • Terraform integration: Efficiently scale-up cloud infrastructure with an industry-standard tool
  • Network features: Enable customers to build a secure private network for protected communication between all of their environments

Get started today

Provisioning, deployment and management all occur through the standard IBM Cloud Virtual Servers for VPC catalog page. Check out the documentation for additional help.

LinuxONE for VPC is available starting in the Tokyo Multi-Zone Region (MZR), with additional regions rolling out soon.

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