November 10, 2021 By Sterling Milstead
Stephanie Wing
2 min read

In today’s ultra-competitive massively multiplayer online (MMO) gaming environment, the system that you game on is as important as how well you play.

Gamers can win or lose a match because the host’s platform under-performed. Don’t be that host who gets the blame for a player’s loss — be the host who teams up with AMD and IBM Cloud to buff your host platform. 

Hosting MMOs

To properly host MMO games, your servers need low-latency, high-performance processing and memory, generous bandwidth and simple scalability — all of which make AMD EPYC processor-powered IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers the best choice when compared to multi-tenant alternatives.

AMD EPYC™ 7763 CPU dual core bare metal servers at-a-glance:

  • Up to 128 CPU cores per server 
  • Maximum boosts up to 3.5 Ghz (base 2.45 Ghz)
  • Eight memory channels per socket with up to 4 TB RAM
  • Maximum 20 TB of bandwidth
  • Advanced memory encryption for a secure boot process
  • Support for two 10 GbE NICs
  • Flexible OS support — RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Windows™

Bare metal servers are transforming MMO gaming

With their ever-growing popularity, it’s no surprise that MMO games continue to see tremendous growth year-over-year. With the MMO Games Market Reports projecting that MMO gaming is trending to have a compound growth rate of 8% from the years 2021–2025, billions of dollars are at stake.

A significant driver of this growth is the adoption of bare metal servers as a host platform. Bare metal servers are cost-effective, easy to manage and give you the control that you need to provide a reliable, responsive platform. For more information about how Third-Generation AMD EPYC™ processors can improve your host platform, see here.

Freedom of control

IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers give you the freedom of dedicated hardware that you customize to meet your exact specifications. Because of the Third-Generation AMD EPYC™ processor architecture and IBM Cloud dedicated hardware, your host platform stays balanced, even while you connect many players with virtually no lag. IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers are single tenant, so you control the environment. Create custom rules, add mods, isolate players and more — all of which give better control over your gaming environment setups. With full admin, root access and remote management, you have total control over what’s happening on your platform. 

With this control, you can quickly meet player demand by scaling resources up or out (in real time) by adding memory, increasing processing power, adding more servers and more.

IBM Cloud dedicated gaming host platform benefits

  • Flexibility, with preconfigured options and on-demand provisioning
  • Unlimited scalability
  • Global player coverage 
  • Cost-effective
    • No-cost unlimited back-end bandwidth
    • No-cost unlimited inbound data transfer 

Build your ultimate host platform with bare metal 

Learn how AMD for IBM Cloud Bare Metal Server solutions offer clients fast insight delivery for today’s maximum gaming performance workloads thanks to 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ 7763 processor architecture. Read our performance brief.

Game hard and boost your host platform with the power of AMD and IBM Cloud. AMD EPYC™ 7763 processor-powered IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers are now available from the IBM Cloud catalog.

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